Here's my CS. [hider= Matthew Sana] Alias/Nickname: Divide Age: 16 Appearance: Short for his age, Matthew has dark black hair, with bangs that cover his dark almost black eyes. He'll try to wear white clothing, but ends up usually sporting pinkish or red clothing from blood stains. When possible he will bleach his clothing however, so more often or not he will have a full white suit. Personality: Matthew is a oddly happy person for the environment that he was raised it. To a degree where he was almost put away not for his powers but purely because of his happiness. He'll smile wide eyed at people who mean him harm, but won't then won't waste a second to break their limbs or crush their bones. Blood thirsty would be putting it lightly. Matthew thrives on causing other people harm, and will do it all while sporting the largest and most innocent smile on his face. Biography: They say a serial killer is most dangerous because, they will kill again and again. In the same way, Matthew could be described to be a serial hero. He would roam the streets wielding nothing more than a baseball bat, or a copper pipe, or even just with his own two fists, picking fights with people that he should have no business with fighting. His white suits which would start the day pristine and clean would be covered in his blood and the blood of his victims by the day's end. After a quick bleaching, Matthew would start the anew the next day. His parents were long dead, and any family that would have cared about him, didn't even know that Matthew existed. Instead he lived day by day, beating up thugs and living off what he could take from them. Of course, being only sixteen it was only a matter of time before something went wrong. It was one night on what seemed to be an ordinary day that Matthew, picked a fight with a undercover officer. He was stunned, identified and then found out to be super human. Something that Matthew himself didn't even know about. He was quickly arrested and put away for assaulting an officer. It wasn't long before he was moved to a more secure prison, and it wasn't long before Matthew starting to plot his escape. Skills: Fighting: C+: Matthew has not been formally instructed to fight, but has instead picked up all of his skill from fighting on the streets. His style is random and with no specific style, but is focused on breaking limbs and causing as much bleeding from the face as possible. He is a capable of taking on a normal human, while using a weapon. Street Smarts: B+: Having lived on his own, basically homeless for quite a bit of time, Matthew has developed an ability and awareness of how to survive on the streets. He is acutely aware where to get food, and other resources. Laundry: A+: Matthew is exceedingly skilled at doing the laundry. He has gained quite a bit of experience from bleaching his suit every day and can now fully clean his clothing from almost anything. He is a bit a fanatic for cleaning however. Powers: Cell Division: The ability to force the division of cells and to also control the process of mitosis. This gives Matthew a healing factor, however it must be controlled by Matthew and requires quite a bit of energy to cause. Matthew must also manually think about what exactly he wants to be healed, and if he is not aware of an injury or does not know how to heal it, Matthew can not treat it. He can also cause this division in other people as well, this requires direct contact on to the area that he uses the power on however. [/hider]