[b]Seeder Threat (Space)[/b] The Earth Alliance ships formed into one massive fleet, focusing fire on the thousand Seeder Ships. However, it was obvious that these overly powerful should would be more than a match for the fleet. The fleet minus it's flagship, that is. Fergus began to grin in a mischievous manner, and he ordered the McClain to take point. It's weapons laid dormant for a while as it's shield soaked up huge amounts of fire. Then it fired everything, antiproton bursts and laserfire struck them, smashing though the shields. Millions of mobile mines impacting the enemy ships, ripping many in half with their great velocity and explosive payload. Torrents of fighters swarmed from the hangar bays, providing yet more point-defense for the dagger-like warship as it moved closer to the massive fleet. Meanwhile, Fergus sat motionless with his eyes closed, and he sent a neural message to the enemy fleet. He had hooked the ship's own power up to his transmitter, so it was a message sure to attract attention. "You want a planet? You'll get a star instead." As the message was finished being sent, a solar flare occurred on the surface of Colony 257's sun. Traveling through a wormhole created by the EA fleet, it collided with the Seeder Fleet. The stellar material could have taken down even a Draconian fleet, in fact, it had done so many years earlier. A message was sent to all other forces in the system, Triarian, Equestrian, Colonial, and even Imperial. "This is now more than a Civil War, a defeat against these... these 'seeders' would mean death and destruction for all of us. We, for one, refuse to allow that. If you do as well, rally behind the EAS McClain!" [b]Seeder Threat (Ground)[/b] The EA forces continued to assist with evacuation, and the attacks on the spores continued. Those who could not be evacuate doff-planet were taken to the underwater bases, which would presumably be safe for decades. The hope is that the Seeders will ignore the water, and allow the colonies to continue harvesting oxygen fromt he water. Of course, it is just as likely that they will remove all water from the plant, in which case the bases will launch from the planet after everyone was gone from the land. [b]Seeder Threat (Administration[/b] The Earth Alliance has moved ships to the most common system entry points, and all interstellar trade has been switched to Krasnikov tubes and Quantum Gates due to both being hard to track without simply using them, and most nations without trade routes with the EA have no idea how Krasnikov tubes work. They hope that the Seeders are no exception. [b]Hach Evacuation[/b] The C-craft docked with the EAS K-Ickt'Thah, a Dolphin warship. The moment magnetic clamps were engaged and the hanger bay doors were closed, it warped out of system and followed a course that would make it harder to track. The airlock doors opened, and the Abh Deca-Commander floated out in the zero-g environment of the air-filled section of the ship. The walls were transparent, and Dolphins could be seen swimming about the ship using echolocation to interface with the systems. Their words could be heard as well, an alien language of clicks, whistles, and high-pitched moans. Strangely enough, none of them seemed to care that a Draconian was on the ship. "We're safe, this is a Dolphin Warship. While it might not look comfortable, there are fifty smart rooms on ships of this class. They're usually used for Abh and Human officers who are a part of the exchange program, or visiting dignitaries. In this case, we get to stay in them. Oh yeah, no artificial gravity in the corridors, waste of energy for an aquatic species." [b]Planet Shuroh[/b] The huge object fell from the skies, puncturing the smog of the capital. Orange parachutes slowed it, as the nanotube cord trailed behind it. It hit the bowl-shaped facility on the ground at a relatively slow speed, only denting it. Magnetic clamps secured it in place, and a shocked crowd looked on as a woman-Lahna-stepped out of a capsule on top of it and walked towards a microphone. "This is something called a space elevator, it's that project we've been working on." She said in proud tone "So far, I have not revealed the true purpose of this construction. It is more than a simple gateway to low orbit, it will carry parts of a great spaceship into the void. This spaceship will not be headed to our moon as you might expect, it will instead be headed to a planet called Earth, which is billions of light years away. What we have not told you is that I have invented a way to travel faster than light itself by bending space and time to our will- literally. Our people will take to the stars!" Some of the crowd simply stood speechless, and the rest applauded. A tiny portion just started laughing, but they wouldn't be laughing when they got word of first contact. Actually, they probably would. Brown and pink skinned aliens happen to be featured in multiple sci-fi franchises. [b]Renaming[/b] Since Earth is currently... absent from reality, the Earth Alliance has voted to change it's name to the Allied Interstellar Federation. Besides getting rid of the whole Earth problem, it also describes the nation much better due to the autonomy that each faction inside it has.