As the casting male of the pair moved to his partner, the pained teal eyes of the Blood Dragon stared at him with what could only be described as dark amusement. The look of pain and anger in Aisen's orbs only reflected the same look in Gore's. After all, the Dragon was exactly where that very man was centuries before and that look of anger shot toward that caster much like the casters anger shot towards the 'Lizard'. Now it may not have been the very pair that Gore had assaulted, but the Ancient Dragon could feel the magic they had casted and held no reservation in his mind. It was the same as the casters who took his allies so long ago. Though he was no fool, he knew that such power came at a cost. Everyone who held skill or ability had to give something up to obtain it. Even the Blood Dragon held sacrifice, though that was his own story. The true question was..where did -they- get such power. Perhaps this time around among the lowly beings; Gore may just find out and then finally he could deal with 'The Void' once and for all. Whomever wielded such darkness clearly held little regard for any of his brothers or sisters that were in chains. Dragons everywhere needed a chance for freedom and while 'The Void' continued to be free to prosper, Dragonkin in all the realm couldn't rest east. Those who died against them will NOT have died in vain! Not if the Blood Dragon still breathed! Clearly the pride within the Dragons heart still hadn't faltered. Even after it being a near millennia since the Dragons had been enslaved, the red scaled Dragon stood proud to be what he was. Everything he has done so far was for his kind and how could it have been any other way? Sure the younglings of his kind held no idea of what their true culture was and many of the somewhat older Dragons had lost touch with such. Gore? Gore had -never- forgotten of how the skies used to be theirs, about the Hunt for the beings far more powerful than that of what the Humans were. Many of the stronger creatures had died out since the old days, though there was a time when giant beasts that were ravenous roamed the lands. Creatures with the ferocity of the Dragons themselves and each gave a grand fight to the death. Honor rested within such creatures, unlike these..-things- that call themselves humans. Watching Aisen start to form a mythical spear that was intended to end his life made the Dragon huff in laughter. Those pained teal eyes tensed up, snarling as if to tempt the human to do it. Though it quickly the caster quickly pulled back which made his captured 'prize' stir to smack him, only to have the beast recoil when he still felt the other spears impale his form in such a way to keep him where he was. Without Delna, Aisen seemed to use his own ways to keep him from moving. As the trucks began to come to move Gore, the Blood Dragon did very little to make an escape. Taking a great deal of pain was something he may have been used to, but everyone, even the Ancient Dragon himself felt the aftermath of a conflict and it [i]hurt[/i]. As the doctor showed to examine the 'specimen', Gore moved his face inward in a coil fashion, letting out a kind of whimper at the feel of someone moving their instruments over his wounds. In truth he was beyond exhausted and in pain. The Doctor pulled away, nodding before writing down a few things on his clipboard before talking. "Most impressive..judging by the wounds I am seeing, he should have died multiple times. The first blow with the Ballista and its arrow would have knocked the wind right outta him." Said the doctor, going over the wounds, not minding the blood puddles he was stepping in. "The only explanation of his ability to fight as well as he had with such extensive damage is the adrenaline. Adrenaline in humans reacts in a much similar way, only difference is that in Dragons it occurs in two different ways. A controlled method and a natural method. When both occur at the same time..still, how he continued is purely amazing..I would -love- to get to examine his body if he dies in my lifetime hah, course what you did to him may just kill him, eh Hunter?" Asked the Doctor, looking back at Aisen with a smile. With that, the Doctor nodded and began filling out forms for different medications that he would use for treatment as well as some that may come in handy for the torture of the beast. It was obvious that Gore was going to need to be broken in to serve people without the fear of him killing his new owners. There have been cases of 'wild' Dragons being aggressive and even attacking the humans that often punished them. No Dragon was -ever- allowed to harm a human being after he has been approved for servitude. If they prove to be violent, then the Dragon will be immediately terminated and those who approved him would be taken before a judge to determine their fate. Those whom were stationed at the camp quickly moved so they could get Gore secured in the back of the truck, letting Aisen do what he had to. Most of them avoided talking to him but the medical doctor stuck with the 'Overgrown Lizard' to keep an eye on his vitals. Such a catch should be handled properly after all. The Blood Dragon had no plans or delusions of escape this time. After all, as soon as the 'Spears' had been removed from him, he could barely move his limbs with how much they hurt. He held no idea's of what had changed over the centuries and worse, began wondering how the treatment of his brothers and sisters had changed too. That's when he heard a dark laughter from his side, making the Blood Dragon tilt his head in a way to stare at the man who had impaled him multiple times. Though there wasn't a look of anger, but amusement. Gore started huffing louder than Aisen, slowly beginning to slam his tail into the back of the truck, huffing louder as he signified just how truly amusing the man was. The Doctor pulled back and stared in shock before looking at The Void member, tilting his head at him. "..He was just whining..Whatever you do to this Dragon, only seems to make him want to react more to you..I'm actually curious to know whether or not if we were to unbind him, would he be able to hurt you with how badly wounded he is.." Said the Dragon Doctor aloud, looking at the Blood Red scales that actually now had blood on them. Gore found himself following Aisen along the truck as it bumped and moved toward its destination. Teal eyes still held that amused look, as if a parent were watching a child throw a tantrum over some little toy. When the male started to speak, Gore began to smack his tail into the bed of the truck, huffing again. No one would come and see him? Did this man think it'd be -that- easy!? The only humans in the tiny space were in were the Doctor and him, though that's when something was said that made Gore stop smacking his tail. "We could always clip his wings, though that would make his value drop.." The Doctor stated, looking at the massive wings that were perfectly placed on the Dragons back, even as broken as they were from the battle. Moving his large face back to the Doctor, Gore simply stared at him in a way that made the Doctor stiffen up and actually shake his head. Within the next few seconds, the Doctor would completely refuse that, saying how that would be a horrible idea considering most would want Gore to be used for both gambling when it came to Dragon Fights, or travel while flying on his back. The Blood Dragon then heard the door unclasp and felt the slab he was on shift and move to a point of him being placed in a cage that was barely big enough for him when he was laying down. After they sealed it up, those same teal eyes started to get a quick look around, making him tilt his head at how rudimentary the bars looked. Had they not been changed? Metal still melted with enough heat and this Dragon that they now housed held more than enough fire within to burn their realm to ashes.. That's when he heard that same man approach him, the one who managed to defeat him..if you could call it a victory. As he spoke, Gore looked up at him with a huff, still seeing the same child that threw a tantrum because his tiny little girlfriend got blazed. Now to Gore, she deserved it. After all that was the way of the world, if one were to try and threaten another living being, that living being has the right to threaten your life right back..which he did. Plus it didn't hurt that the humans were the true monsters here. Aisen started to talk and Gore let him, though as soon as he mentioned making him pay for touching Delna, the Blood Dragon roared, huffing loudly at how angry the man truly was. That is when he placed his arm on the cage, having Gore lean closer with a whimper. In an instant, Gore shot his long tongue out, wrapping it around the mans arm, pulling HARD into the cage, trying to at least bruise Aisen. It was only to tease and make the Hunter feel even more silly. Though after a moment, the Dragon would recoil back with how much his body hurt. As Aisen turned to leave, He'd hear something from within the cage. It sounded as if Gore was once again laughing. Did this person truly think he had the power to make the great Blood Dragon a dog? Either way, it didn't truly matter. What he was going to do 'had' to be done in the eyes of humanity. _ [b][i]Three Weeks Later[/i][/b] Lights had lit up the stadium as people from all over began to pour into the stands. The Capital was buzzing just in that one location where people went to buy Dragons and tonight? Tonight the skies were lit up with fireworks and bright lights as if it were a festival. After all, it wasn't every day the stadium would be dealing in Legend. The Stadium quickly filled with people of all sorts, though all seemed to be wealthy from just how they were dressed. As everyone took their seats and waited for the main event, a slightly round man came out with a smile and microphone. "Good Evening ladies and gentlemen! It is our grand pleasure to see such lovely and may I say, wealthy people out tonight haha! Tonight we have several of the very best that we know some of you must have! We here at Druthers&Druthers only wish to give you the best because that -is- what you demand, is it not!? Ah! Well, let's get started!" The round man quickly began introducing several Dragons that were either in their human form and ready to go, or in their Dragon forms. All of them seemed to be well built and even respectful to those around them. The Stadium floor quickly lit up and fire shot out around the stadiums base. The large man quickly came back to the Stadium with a smile, already selling four Dragons that evening. "Haha well bought..Alright dears and dearies, for our best and -final- Dragon, we have the stuff of Legend waiting for you to bid on him! Now if you haven't heard of this fine specimen, where have you been living! But just in case, let's look over the highlights." Taking a deep breath, he quickly unraveled a rather long sheet of paper, getting a laugh from the crowd at how long it was, clearly meant to make the crowd chuckle. "This Dragon is the most common in our history books. His name has been written in blood and tears and we know one thing for certain. He has hunted, killed and terrorized hundreds of thousands of our people over the centuries. Battlegrounds were nothing but burning Graveyards after this next Dragon was through. Leaving a trail of blood and fire throughout his wake, He suddenly disappeared..that is until today. Ladies and Gentlemen..I bring you the real Blood Dragon, straight from the Legends and Myths of all monsters! The one that's been haunting you since your youth!" The large man pointed to the side of the field where a Dragon in chains was brought in, bringing him to the center of the field for everyone to see. Though it seemed the Blood Dragon was the only one in chains. "Gore! We shall start our bidding and leave the floor open to offers!"