Hans Boss CS: Appearance: [img=http://s.cghub.com/files/Image/137001-138000/137172/840_stream.jpg] He's about 10, 11 feet tall. Abilities: [i]Protective blubber:[/i] Hans's skin acts like a layer of thick, protective blubber. While it doesn't stop him from feeling pain, or block much damage beyond blunt force for that matter, it makes wounds have much less effect than they would have on a normal opponent. [i]Superior Speed and Strength:[/i] His speed is higher than that of a normal vampire's but not by much. His strength, on the other hand, is much, [i]much[/i] higher. He can shatter several bones of a human with a lazy backhand. [i]Superior senses[/i]: Sight, Smell, hearing. These things make it very hard for people to sneak up on Hans, or lose him for that matter. [i]Strong claws, teeth, and horns:[/i] Hans's claws, teeth, and horns are stronger than most metals on earth. [i]Normal[/i] weapons tend to break on them. [i]Howl:[/i] Hans can let out a howl that strikes anything in it's bath as an actual physical force, throwing them backwards. [i]Sir's Gift:[/i] Being one of Sir's most trusted servants, Hans has a rune on the base of his neck that allows him to do minor fire and lightning magic. Goal: Kill Julian, Mairyell and anyone else who tries to stop him. Take Mary to wherever Sir is.