Mai thief application post •^• The thief stood in front of the gate of a large clay house, much larger than the regular houses all around it, one that obviously belonged to nobility. He looked at it up from down, walking around it as well for analyzation purposes, for he needed to know what the best way in and out were. He didn't approve much of nobility at all, for they were the reason that his nation was in turmoil, divided and weak, always fighting one other. That being said, the nobles had a few good qualities about them: the fact they were easy to pickpocket, and the fact they had so much he could loot from, the possibilities were so endless for him. It was for those reasons he both liked and disliked the nobles, the latter being the reason he was watching the house, observing it and analyzing it. After he took his time studying it, he made his way to the place he thought would be best to sneak in unnoticed from, not the back wall which you'd expect to be the least guarded, but the one on the left side. Over his years of experience, he realized that it was only the front that was guarded; the back was hardly thought of since any type of movement there would be telegraphed. The sides were the best way to go; nobody ever expected a place like that to be so vulnerable, to be such a weakness and a danger. Side doors were quite common in three nations of Turma, and nobility were no exception. Going through a side door on the floor generally yielded no results, since no noble with common sense kept their valuables in a place so easily accessed, the first floor. No, he'd need to work harder than that; a simple in and out would not suffice for something like this. The male looked up at the wall of the building, smiling to himself as reached his right hand forward, his fingers spaced out about an inch from each other, each one excluding the thumb bent a bit while exerting a small amount of force on a groove in the wall. He then reached his left hand up, grabbing for another groove, about half a foot higher than the one his right hand was holding onto, while he brought his right foot up, yet the toes of his sandals were not in a groove, they would be using friction. He pulled himself up, bringing his left foot up as well, resting it higher than his right foot, while his right hand grabbed at the wall, then his left, while his feet readjusted themselves. He continued doing similar motions, climbing up the wall. He enjoyed everything about this, the wind blowing against him, the dark of the night, his clothes flapping in the wind, the feel of his hands against the clay, even the slight ache of his muscles, and especially the rush he got when he was partaking in theft. Oh, how he wished he could join the Thieves Guild in Badair, he could spend most of his time stealing, experiencing the rush he loved so much. He was a carefree person, he cared not for anything but that day, no goals, no plans, almost nothing at all. His only desire for the future, the only thing that resembled a goal, was his wish to join the Thieves Guild, as mentioned before. Once he had reached the balcony of a room on the second floor, he pulled himself up onto it, grinning widely. He dusted his clothes off, and tested the door, expecting it to be unlocked; not many people expected a thief to come from a place like that. He was right, and so he opened the door very slowly, which creaked a bit, too much for his liking. He cursed under his breath, quickly pulling his tall and thin frame away from the door, getting on his hands and knees and he listened, to see if anyone had heard the creaking of the door. After about 12 seconds of restlessness, fear, and luckily for him, silence, he slowly got up, and pushed the door open just enough so that he could enter. As his thin frame slipped through the small gap he felt slightly grateful about his build, albeit the fact it wasn't as impressive as that of the other men. He walked quietly through the room, not walking regularly for that would make sound; Instead he leaned on the foot that was behind the other, slowly moving onto his toes as he brought the other foot forwards, continuing to keep his weight on the foot that was behind the other. He set the one in front down on his heel, leaning forward and putting it flat upon the ground as he brought the foot behind forward, continuing the same pattern to avoid being heard. He made his way to a closet, opened it and took a few valuables, namely coins and some jewelry. He pulled out a sack, which was slightly small, enough to hold quite a few small items. He put the coins and jewelry in the sack, before making his way out of that room. He heard voices downstairs, but absolutely nobody upstairs, which he was very grateful for, it only made his job more easy. He went off to another room, filling the sack with all the valuables he desired, making sure not to get too greedy and take more than would be good for one who had to sneak out again. Once he was done, he made his way to the room he had come in from, slipped through the gap he had left for himself, glad that he hadn't taken too much, since he didn't need to open the door more. He climbed off the balcony, onto the wall again with the sack over his shoulder, and climbed down effortlessly; coming down was much easier than going up. Once he was at a reasonable altitude, he jumped, turned around, and dashed off, making his way to a narrow street, not wanting to be near the noble's house when it was realized that they had been looted. He grinned widely, sitting down in the street to catch his breath, feeling absolutely wonderful, the rush was still there. Not only had he managed to steal from a noble's house, he had managed to do it from right under their noses, while they themselves were at home. He got up, went off to his relatively small home, and left the valuables there, hiding them in a place it'd be difficult to find, a hole in the ground, covered by a large box, which had some valuables, two pieces of jewelry, and in comparison to what he had now, a small number of coins. The thief thought ahead, he made sure that people wouldn't search more around the box, his method being putting a fraction of what he had there, so that anyone who broke into his home would feel satisfied and leave. After he hid what he had taken, minus a few coins, he went to a tavern nearby, for a celebratory drink or two.