[quote=WeepingLiberty] So can I choose if I'm on one side or another, or are we all going to be on the same side? [/quote] Everyone will be at Hogwarts but I'll allow you to be like Draco Malfoy. Maybe be an apprentice to the bad guys or something?[quote=MissAddler] Name: Juliette Edwina Longbottom Next Gen or Original: Next GenerationParents: Neville and Hannah Longbottom Halfblood, Pureblood, or Muggle-Born: Halfblood (...I think)Best Class: HerbologyWorst Class: DADACrush: OpenBoyfriend/Girlfriend: NoneSexuality: Heterosexual Age(Oldest is 15): 15Year: 5thHouse: GryffindorHistory: Juliette was born above the Leaky Cauldron, where her mother was the landlady and has grown accustomed to seeing abnormal creatures from the wizarding world on an everyday basis. She had a fairly normal upbringing - apart from the fact that she was, indeed, a witch - and adopted her father's love of herbology, who loved to teach her of the various mystical species of plants. Her father's long-standing teaching job at Hogwarts meant that she was no stranger to the school in her first year, having visited several times and was able to make a few friends by acting as a tour guide, greatly reducing staircase casualties amongst the first years, that year. Nowadays, she finds herself often on the receiving end of many jokes, particularly when her father is teaching the class she is in, but she shrugs it off - hey, when you're a longbottom, you're used to it!Personality: Juliette is fairly bright and unwaveringly honest - sometimes, too much so, which has put off several people from being her friend. She is fair and dislikes cheating, in all forms, which is probably why she loses games a lot, apart from wizards chess (which she is really quite good at). Unfortunately, she inherited her father's clumsiness and often trips up over her robe (and has tumbled down several staircases) and is now on a first name basis with the school nurse. She is often seen laughing and has a fairly optimistic outlook on life, learning to laugh off any insults directed at her. She is an awful liar and therefore hates breaking the rules.Wand: Rowan 10 1/4 inches with Unicorn Hair CoreAppearance(Preferably real life picture):Other: She is terrified of trying new things - meaning she has never ridden a broom, as she fainted in her first class and nearly knocked a kid out in her second class. She can get free drinks at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade, considering her mother is friends with the landlady and Juliette suspects this is the reason why many people, who don't hang around with her normally, want to join her when she goes to Hogsmeade.She loves chocolate frogs....and the number '6'. Here ya go! This okay?!PS - who is the school nurse now? [/quote] Accepted. And I never gave much thought to the nurse. If you want to you can decide that.