Here's how I'm going to restart the Scrolls: We're starting off in a town called Barkamsted. It's 5 miles north of Grovett Pass in Angard, the Cherods have moved their forces into this village, so Farynrr has sent some reinforcements because the village leader has asked for aid to deal with the unruly and rowdy militiamen., seeing as how they have no town militia. Refugees are in the town, they're camping out anywhere they can, in fields, on the streets, sleeping in the inns, and for those who cannot afford a roof over their head, have erected a mass of tents for those without homes. Rhaedin, sent on regards from King Eyres of Oradea, is on her way to settle the dispute between the villagers and the Cherods when a fight breaks out in the market. A villager is killed, and this is how I plan to introduce everyone's character. The Cherod and Angardian soldiers will fight it out, and somehow, we're going to have to end up together, either fighting our way through, or fleeing. This entire town is about to be massacred, we're going to be the sole survivors.