Character Sheet [b]Name:[/b] Skylar Brookes [b]Next Gen or Original:[/b] Original [b]Parents:[/b] Jadaria and Malcolm Brookes [b]Halfblood, Pureblood, or Muggle-Born:[/b] Pureblood [b]Best Class:[/b] Magical Creatures [b]Worst Class:[/b] Herbology [b]Crush:[/b] [b]Boyfriend/Girlfriend:[/b] Available [b]Sexuality:[/b] Undecided [b]Age(Oldest is 15):[/b] 15 [b]Year:[/b] 5th [b]House:[/b] Ravenclaw [b]History:[/b] Sky is American born and was raised for quite a few years in the States. Because both her parents were magical, it came to no surprise that Sky ended up a witch as well. It was difficult to hide this fact from muggles despite living primarily around wizards but homeschooling and close observation made it possible. On her 10th birthday they moved to England where she would live less than a year before receiving her letter to Hogwarts. Her mother had been a Ravenclaw but her father had been a Slytherin so she had no idea which house she would be placed in before the sorting. Being placed in Ravenclaw, Sky worked extremely hard to live up to her mother's expectations by maintaining her grades and always studying. Her second year, her father was arrested and found guilty of aiding Death Eaters during the war 25 years previous. Despite being studious she also found time for fun, found hanging around Slytherins in the middle of daring schemes and even joined the Quidditch team her 3rd year. For three years she has held the title of Ravenclaw seeker. [b]Personality:[/b] Skylar is very good at acting proper around teachers but met outside on her terms, she can be cruel and unforgiving. She holds grudges for long periods of time and will stop at nothing to get her revenge. Lately she has been getting more and more nasty when the teachers aren't looking, a trait that had started when her father was arrested her second year. Sky is cunning and sly but she will always pay back her debts to those who have helped her and only respects those who have earned it and respect her in return. [b]Wand:[/b] 12 inch Mahogany with Thestral Tail Hair Core. Slightly flexible. [b]Appearance(Preferably real life picture):[/b] [img=] [b]Other:[/b] Seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team Rule 6: Do not leave for more than two or three days without notifying me. ((Aside from the missing picture, how does it look.))