[u]Name[/u] [indent]Jake Wilson[/indent] [u]Gender[/u] [indent]Male[/indent] [u]Age[/u] [indent]29[/indent] [u]Position[/u] [indent]Location Manager - Responsible for surveying, selection, and final clearing (or guaranteeing permission to use) of locations for filming[/indent] [u]Appearance[/u] [indent][img=http://bencarter-locations.com/benny.png][/indent] [u]Personality[/u] [indent]Words used to describe Jake are independent, original, analytical, and determined. He has an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. Jake highly values knowledge, competence, and structure. He desires this because once he has found a strong foundation he knows his more spontaneous side is free to roam. At work Jake feels compelled even driven to derive meaning from his visions leading to a strong focus on finding the perfect locations for film projects he is working on. Long-range thinkers. He has very high standards for his performance, and the performance of others. A natural leaders, but will follow if they trust existing leaders. At times he can be head strong if his recommendations are denied or overlooked.[/indent] [u]History[/u] [indent]Jake's one true passion in life is travel and that passion was born during the summer of his fourth grade year when his parents took him on his first trip to Western Europe. They were visiting a hiking friend of his mother who lived in Italy. On one magical night in Florence Jake witnessed just how wonderful the world is and declared to everyone that he would always strive to travel more. His dedication to travel led him to work harder towards opportunities for more travel. Summer jobs, school trips, and even a scholarship for a study abroad helped him continue to explore Western Europe. College was when Jake really started to set his sights on the world. Studying abroad in South Korea. Later he spent the summer to teach English in Vietnam. This extended stay in Asia lead to some friction between Jake and his family who started to worry that their son's desire for travel was beginning to have an adverse effect on his ability to graduate college. This squabble was led to rest after Jake returned home with a strict plan for his remaining college years. He always knew he wanted to work in the travel sector, but had yet to find something that truly utilized his passion. After a drunken party he got an idea from a conversation with a cute chemistry undergrad. Later that week Jake filmed his first podcast. As his podcast grew in popularity he shifted over to working with a small production company made up of students at his universities film school. After finishing his degree in journalism Jake took his YouTube channel and resume to all the major names in hopes of finding someone to hire him as a travel writer. Things didn't completely go as he had hopped; however, he was approached by a small production company who was hoping to enlist his services to help find some locations for a small budget horror film. During the project Jake started to enjoy the sights, sounds, and chaos of the film industry. When the project finished he returned to his YouTube crew and together founded Global Foreground, a small production company that specialized in being hired to travel and find appropriate set locations. [/indent] [u]Miscellaneous[/u] [indent]Jake's favorite music genre is Jazz.[/indent] --- [center]Character Connection[/center] Maximillian Harrison - Ezekial Wolffe [indent]Several years ago Max and Jake were both working on an action film meant to take place in Europe. It was some spy thriller and it involved several rather lengthy action sequences. Additionally the country they were filming was waving several costly permit fees with the deal that several major tourist landmarks would be featured in the film. This meant outdoor action which in turn meant the people doing the choreography would have to see the locations in person before drafting the action scenes. Jake was set to show them around and that is where he met Max. The two get along well enough and there is plenty of professional respect. Jake sees Max like a rock star considering it is the only job where "Got Kicked Through a Window" is seen as acceptable on a job resume. After they finished the on site walk through the two shared a beer where they became friends.[/indent] Harris Klein - Polyphemus [indent]Jake knows how hard the world of acting is. He respects peoples privacy as well by avoiding any entertainment news which is aimed at a persons private life. He recognizes Harris's name from several movies he has enjoyed and while he has never worked on the same production as Harris he has heard working with him is professional enough. The way Harris has been described to Jake is 'A guy who does great work few have seen.' That kind of thing has Jake fired up to help show off his skills. After all, sometimes the only thing that is needed to see something is a different backdrop. [/indent] Phoebe J. Collins - teapotshark [indent]The similarities between Jake and Phoebe are very obvious to people who have worked with them both. Each has a love for their job that often requires they be a part of the project the whole way through. Considering they both work in roughly the same department within movie productions they have worked together several times in the past few years. One such film was a period piece in colonial South America. Set, backdrop, and atmosphere were all expected to be perfect so long work hours were demanded by both. Jake even considered asking Phoebe out; however, after informing her that the tools she had just spent creating were more akin to African tools they got into a small spat. "A Pretty Boy Rick Steve's" is something Jake remembers being called. They eventually reconciled the next day accepting that stress can get the better of people. [/indent] Leo P N B Xavier - Tenebrous Gaze [indent]On more than one occasion Leo has saved Jake when he was in a bind. They have worked together on a multitude of works and became fast friends over drinks and emergency work meetings that went nowhere. The most memorable time Leo saved Jake was when he had an emergency date and needed a suit. Rushing to Leo he explained that she was hot, sexy, and wore a dress that could melt a lesser man. Thirty minutes later Leo had Jake heading to the date in a 3000 dollar suit worn by Brad Pitt four hours earlier. The date was a disaster, but at least Jake looked good. The two have collaborated several times on both period pieces and modern retelling of classic tails.[/indent] Max Goldstein - tanderbolt [indent]Jake was the location manager for a production of Max’s 18 months ago. The movie was a sort of road trip coming of age film and the director seemed to have no idea where the trip should take place in. Jake was contacted by one of Max’s assistants who said they would like a meeting. Using his own network Jake learned about the films problems before hand and drew up a few options for the meeting. When the two met their professionalism and favorable personalities instantly clicked. Max was impressed by Jake’s initiative backed by hard work while Jake was impressed by Max’s ability to listen, a skill few producers have. At the end of the production Max sent a gift basket to Jake with a note that read “See You Soon.”[/indent] Addison Matthews - spooner [indent]Jake has been working in the industry long enough to recognize that the Production Assistant is the gatekeeper to the producer; therefore, likely the most important person to be on good terms. Since he is familiar with Max he wasn't terribly worried about being phased out. Jake isn't one to lower himself to bribery, but he has sent a welcome basket to Addison with some helpful hints on how to deal with Max if he gets into a state. He has had a few phone conversations with her since the film project began, but nothing more than the occasional joke or professional flirt has been tossed into the conversations that are dominated by movie talk.[/indent] Amy Ho - Fabricant451 [indent]Jake and Amy have been on three movie projects; however, they have never actually spoken to each other in person. That isn’t to say they haven’t avoided each other or there is any bad blood between the two. It is quite the opposite in fact. The main issue is that Amy follows the production as it is filmed while Jake is often ahead of the production scouting out the next location. That said the two are what you could call work friends. Amy is especially excited to see Jake’s name attached to any works she is on because of his extra work for the crew. Every location he scouts there is a long write up for the movie, but also for the crew working the film. This write up includes great places to visit during down time and always includes top locations for collecting amazing photographs for the professional and hobbies alike. Jake enjoys working with Amy because he can see she pays attention to his notes and will correct issues where his input has been overlooked or ignored.[/indent] Luke Clemens - Mizuho [indent]Jake and Luke have no history working together. He was in bigger budget productions before him. He is familiar with his work as well as his step back from the lime light. He doesn't have any questions considering Jake's lack of interest in coworker’s private life. He is somewhat uneasy with him being the director considering he sees no real experience with shouldering a blockbuster film. For now Jake will listen to his director and complete tasks given to him. [/indent] Peter Zolner - Sixsmith [indent] Jake knows Peter is one of many who will be signing his paycheck as well as picking up the phone when people want to get an idea if they should higher Jake in future assignments. Jake has done some work that Peter enjoyed, specifically his location assignment for several Soviet style World War II pieces. What stood out in the movie was the fact that Jake had been selected to do some basic field work selection, but after completing that wrote an extensive essay on how the movie must be filmed in Russia if it has any hope of doing the story justice. 'The idea that you think you can capture this part of the world with a set in LA would be a sin and a mistake. This essay ended up being published after the film was released with critical acclaim for its atmosphere. It was also was one of Jake's first 'big breaks'[/indent] Ella Lindgren - Konica [indent]Jake is far more knowledgeable of Ella's time as a journalist than he is of her work in the film industry. In fact he hasn't even learned that she had moved. He recalls hearing a story reporting on her injury, but since then has never read a story by or about her sense. Having traveled as much as he did her stories were often in the English print papers no matter what part of the world he was in. Jake holds much respect for the fellow traveler and has enjoyed her almost like a travel partner during his many long trips abroad with a newspaper.[/indent] Emmaline "Emmy" Mellier - Ex What Jake will tell you when you ask his opinion is of Emmy he will say the same answer every time. "They don't have enough good adjectives for that one." He has said it before and will likely say it again. He loves working with her and has so from before they even met in person. The people he worked with before her who had experience with her would always rave about her. So his opinion was pretty high; especially since those people themselves were a delight to work with and highly efficient. When they finally did get to work together they immediately hit it off. So much so that several rumors about them hitting it off in other ways began to circle the crews. Jake ignored this school yard antic and just continued to enjoy working with a talented beautiful woman. He is eager to see her and catch up.