A replay of the event several days ago blared on one of Jessie's televisions, causing the immortal to snap to attention. "Well wouldja fuckin' look at that, Jack..." Jessie murmured, stuffing the cheese flavored styrofoam known as Cheetos into his mouth with gusto, fear of polluting his body with whatever the hell was in his afternoon snack non-existent. Jack gave Jessie a curious sigh, leaning over in his chair to take a peek at the wall of T.V.s (most of which were stolen), a choppy video from an iPhone showing a streaking bolt across the sky intercepting a falling space-station and bringing it down to a safe descent, the station snapping to a break to share the weather. "I wasn't expecting rain..." Jack shrugged, uninterested in Jessie's competition for infamy. It had been nearly two months since the first bank heist for ninety dollars in change went down and since then Jessie had steadily vamped up his capers, Ulysses was breaking headlines for his crimes, which were starting to branch into events like forcing a city official to play a game of Russian roulette, to seeing who was the better sky-diver between the mayor's aide and Jessie (neither of which had a chute). "You know he's going to be everyone's newest obsession, people are going to go on and on about how this city finally has its savior..." Jessie stated the obvious, looking toward's his partner in crime with a faint smile. It was as if on queue, the man who stopped the space station was battling with some armoured assassin, looking like a damned fool in tights. Jessie snickered, flicking off the T.V., "Well Jack, he's definitely going to capture everyone's hearts now." "That's exactly what you want, isn't it?" Jack gave in to Jessie's obvious baiting, to which Jessie nodded. He stood up with a jolt, his rolley-chair sliding across the room before coming to rest against one of Jessie's vending machines. "This makes things much more interesting, really. Now I have some real competition out there. Someone who has an inability to ignore the threats to our little city. Jack, I have a new game." Jack sighed, opening up a word document to keep track of whatever it was Jessie was about to start blathering about. "I want everything that there is to be had on this wannabe Superman, Jack. I want his name, his hobbies, his family, where he lives. I want to know everything... And why stop there?" Jessie strode over to his vending machine, slapping the button for a cola, the can clumsily falling through the machine before being spat out into the basket. "I want to find out if there are any others like him," Jessie continued, swiping the can and snapping it up to take a long sip, "Ahhh... So from now on your number one job is finding out who else is hiding their powers, cause there certainly won't be just one of 'em seein' as we got myself and Superboy here already." Jack nodded and started to dive into researching any leads, being stopped almost immediately by Jessie's excitable voice. "Before we get started though, I have someone we're gonna meet." Jessie was making his way to the garage of his hide-out, yanking his jacket and bandanna off of a coat hanger as he strode through the complex of concrete and granite. Jack knew not to question his boss and quickly grabbed a tablet and stylus to keep notes and look into things on the go, taking a moment to pause and look around Jessie's hideout. It was massive. A warehouse lined with gigantic columns with vast open space throughout the area that was around the size of a football field. It wasn't the prettiest of places, but it certainly gave Ulysses enough space to do whatever he pleased, and it gave Jack more than enough working space. An improvement on his previous office which was simply a rusted out van with an antenna attached to the top. They still had the POS in the complex's garage, though it was more of a relic now. Jack had at first pestered Jessie about how he managed to buy out such a large area of underground property, as well as he he could afford the several dozen televisions, the video game stations, the slew of cars, a small armory worth of weapons, and all the other crap that seemed to be appearing. Jessie only gave the vague answer of it being a gift. From who, he wouldn't specify. Jessie did have money laying around, but there was no way it could be this much, at least as far as Jack knew that is. The two piled into Jessie's low-profile 1996 matte-grey Toyota Corolla. It smelled vaguely like Doritos and, had Jack looked under his seat, did in fact smell of old Doritos. Jessie tapped a button built into the steering wheel causing the metal garage door to slowly ascend, allowing the car to slide out before it automatically sealed behind them, cutting off access from the drainage system that it opened to. The vehicle moved quickly through the pipe before spilling out onto a dirt road sat near small port in Lost Haven's Chinatown. Jessie drove as if on autopilot, his eyes fixated on the road before him, Jack uncomfortably sitting by him as the immortal seemed to be lost in a haze. "You heard of Hex?" Jessie said suddenly, his eyes still glued straight ahead. "You mean that computer worm from a few years ago that knocked out the French Qaurter's power grid for a week and a half and fried half a million dollars in hardware across Lost Haven?" Jack questioned, assuming he was right. He knew about the worm well enough, remembering the letters H.E.X. that crawled across his screen a few years back before the monitor turned black and his computer overheated to the point where his hard-drive was irreparably damaged and his motherboard melted. He still had bitter memories of that and remembered how he swore to kill the son of a bitch that released it. "You're pretty close." Jessie shot back, merging lanes and giving Jack a quick glance, "Hex is the closest fella out there to me, Jack. He was that worm and now, we'll... You'll see." It was nightfall by the time they arrived, Jessie and Jack arriving before what looked like a crack-den in one of the worst areas of Lost Haven. "You sure about this?" Jack asked slowly, cautious to close the car door, a crawling sensation building along his spine. Jessie nodded, taking the lead and marching straight toward the front door. It opened with a push, the door getting caught on a taut wire several feet from the doorway. Jessie scooted in, Jack carefully moving behind him, the hair on his neck at a rise now. The house was filled with a spiderweb of cables, hundreds upon hundreds of feet of wire filling the house, lining the ceiling and walls, the floor littered with bits of machinery and, mostly, damaged computer parts. "What the fuck kind of guy lives here..." Jack muttered and as if, by magic, his answer appeared through a nearby doorway. A metallic hand reached around the door, gripping the cracked wooden frame, and soon followed a man near seven feet tall, his limbs consisting of machinery, minus the basketball sneakers and baggy shirt and shorts that adorned his metallic frame. His head was a boxy T.V., the screen filled with a red background, a face with mismatched eyes and a fanged grin filling the monitor. The figure held an ax and looked from Ulysses to Jack, the toothy grin flipping into a frown. In a metallic voice it turned to Jessie and asked bluntly, "Who's the brat?"