[b]Name:[/b] [indent]Phoebe J. Collins.[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female.[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]27 years old.[/indent] [b]Position:[/b] [indent]Property Master, responsible for purchasing, acquiring and/or manufacturing any props needed for a production, therefore instructs and manages the prop designers and works in collaboration with set and costume designers.[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image][img=http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff56/wildsplash_13/G1/tumblr_lgtsgbgnbL1qftslko1_500_zps3ce8c1fb.jpg][/hider] [indent]Phoebe is a short woman, no taller than five foot five, but keeps herself lean and fit with daily jogs and sprinting around set. She has long blonde hair, naturally curly, which she usually ties up when at work. Paranoia about her dental care has resulted in a straight set of teeth, which she flashes often when she smiles. Freckles dance across her nose, cheeks and shoulders. Her wardrobe is always fairly simple: jeans or combat trousers, running shoes, tee shirts, hooded sweatshirts and a headset.[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]At work she's a very hands-on prop master. She likes to take an active role in the creation of props, rather than simply managing them, and frequently collaborates with many of the other crew members. She adores her job, as it satisfies many of her childhood fantasies. She's quite playful, physical and easy-going, which sometimes leads to cutting it quick with deadlines, and people to view her as entirely too youthful. It can be amusing for anyone watching to see Phoebe sprint from one end of the set to the other with an armful of prop swords and only 60 sections to shooting time. She makes a lot of friends while she's working and usually brings back her favourites to work with her on other projects. Phoebe struggles when taking criticism, and relies on social approval to keep her bounciness intact, so she avoids boisterous actors and directors unless she absolutely must share space with them. Fully aware that many people don't appreciate her attitude, she forces herself to tone it down when those sorts of people are around. Again, for their approval. She's also terrible at keeping secrets, which has led to on-set drama in the past. She's prone to daydreaming and can be very forgetful, and when she's on a deadline she gets impatient and even more fidgety.[/indent] [b]History:[/b] [indent]With a very busy set of parents and a slew of disinterested babysitters, England-born Phoebe was sat in front of the television for a vast majority of her childhood. When she wasn't wasn't TV shows or movies, she was re-enacting her favourites with sticks for swords and a bath towel as a cape, or a banana for a handgun and a crayon doodle for an FBI badge. As soon as she was old enough to go by herself, she went to the cinema every week. She became an expert at sneaking into theatres to watch movies over her age certificate. Her pocket money disappeared into the cash registers of costume and prop stores. In school she focused heavily on media and film making, discovering an entirely new aspect of films that she loved just as much as watching them; the production. She left school after her exams and went straight to work on television sets as a prop maker. It was her dream job, and though she started right at the bottom, working under master designers as a paid intern, she loved every moment of it. She worked on action sets, murder mysteries, fantasies, science fiction and the regular drama. Slowly but surely she worked her way up. Eventually, after years of work, she became the prop master of a highly revered British television series and took on interns of her own. After the series ended with top reviews, Phoebe set her sights on America. With multiple television series and a few films under her belt, she packed up and moved to Hollywood. Immediately overjoyed to be working with the best, Phoebe fell right into place on set; she quickly made new friends and connections everywhere possible. She worked on three films, one still in post-production, before signing up to work on [RP Movie].[/indent] [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] [indent][list][*]Nicknames include Pheebs, PB&J, Collins, etc.[/*] [*]Middle name is Joanne.[/*] [*]She still has her English accent, though sometimes she slips into American.[/*][/list][/indent] [hider=Relationships][b]Relationships and Character Connections:[/b] Maximillian Harrison - Ezekial Wolffe [indent]As a stunt man, Max will often have to work with props, which means he's crossed paths with Phoebe more than once in his career. Of course, Max dwarfs Phoebe, so she was never quite sure if he noticed who was handing up props before each take. Still, his optimism and cheerful outlook on life and work never failed to make her smile. She thoroughly enjoys having Max on set. Now if she could just work up the courage to introduce herself properly, she might find a friend in him.[/indent] Harris Klein – Polyphemus [indent]The first time Phoebe met Harris Klein she felt extremely small. Here was this big, experienced actor, well known for his keen eye, attitude and alcoholism, facing off against her tiny self. At the time, she was still just a prop designer. The way in which Klein could pick out the slightest error in continuity had Phoebe's nerves doing a number on her heart. She was twice as meticulous in her design and planning during that project, which may have helped her gain the promotion. Over time, though, she recognised his desire to make the best film possible, and so she grew less wary of him.[/indent] Jake Wilson – World Traveller [indent]For the majority of their experiences working together, Phoebe and Jake got along brilliantly. She found a kindred spirit in his dedication to his work and adored his passion for travel. Then the colonial South America incident occurred. Stressed to her wit's end and furious that her work would be criticised by someone whose opinion on the subject wasn't required, she flew head-first into an argument with him. She may have spouted such insults as “Pretty Boy Rick Steves”, and instantly regretted it. Pride maintained her solidarity until the next morning, when the pair reconciled. She hasn't spoken to or worked with him since that project a year or so ago, not out of spite, but simply because the two are always busy.[/indent] Leo P N B Xavier - Tenebrous Gaze [indent]Costume designers and prop masters so commonly collaborate that a meeting between Leo and Phoebe was inevitable. As Jake worked in tandem with Leo so often as well, the three of them found themselves on film sets together a few times. All three being immensely passionate about their jobs, they were fast friends. It helped that Leo was a friendly guy unafraid of a few jokes, and born in England, too. She made an effort to try and discover his middle names, but could never get close. Phoebe genuinely loved working together with Leo and Jake, and would be overjoyed to work with them once more.[/indent] Max Goldstein – tanderbolt [indent]Another cheerful man easy to befriend. As such, Phoebe instantly likened to Max Goldstein when they worked together once before. She admired that he was able to command a room without being an arse about it. He was easy to talk to, as well, and that meant they could share wonderful conversations about prop design and continuity and she wouldn't get weird looks for being enthusiastic about it. Phoebe prefers businessmen like Goldstein over the rest.[/indent] Addison Matthews – spooner [indent]Phoebe has never worked with Addison before, nor is she aware who [i]exactly[/i] Addison Matthews is. Sure, she's heard the name... and promptly forgotten. But, ever the one to make friends with as many people on set as possible, Phoebe will happily approach Addison and introduce herself. That is, if she doesn't remember how often she's already interacted with Addison and run away in shame.[/indent] Amy Ho – Fabricant451 [indent]Amy's thorough way of going about her job makes Phoebe stand up straight even when she isn't around for inspection. While she admires Amy's deep involvement with almost everything to do with making a film, Phoebe feels the need to impress and succeed far more with people like Amy Ho and Harris Klein than anyone else. When they're around, Phoebe does her best work and can get quite easily stressed. However, the reward is always worth it and she has people like Amy Ho to thank for it. Therefore she respects Amy and strives to help her make the best film possible.[/indent] Luke Clemens – Mizuho [indent]Like so many others, Phoebe is well aware of Luke's history in the spotlight. Still, they've never worked together. She usually doesn't invest in the headlining stories of Hollywood, but she's heard Luke's name brought up in conversation a lot more recently, and finds herself intrigued at his comeback. As long as he lets her do her thing, she doesn't much care that he's a bit young for a director.[/indent] Peter Zolner – Sixsmith [indent]Phoebe has worked on maybe one or two projects with Peter's name on it. Beyond that, there isn't much connecting the two besides a screen. Sure, she's seen his films and TV shows. The man's an award-winning actor, of course she knows his work. But Phoebe isn't a fan of acting as much as she's a fan of the production staff. Their working relationship goes like this: Peter does his job and does it well, and Phoebe does hers and does it well, which means they've never needed to interact much at all. If they did, it was through production assistants. Of course, she makes herself known on set just by being the energetic woman she is, so it's not surprising that Peter knows who she is as much as she knows him.[/indent] Leila Fox - Mizuho [indent]There's something oddly calming about Leila. Where fast-talking Phoebe is always in a hurry, Leila's quiet, collected and observant. They met when Leila was an extra, and being in Leila's presence forced Phoebe to slow down and take a breath, and that always felt kind of... weird. But nice, too. She hasn't had many long conversations with the model turned actress, yet there's an energy there too, and something about her when she's feeling passionate and acting that has Phoebe intrigued. She decided she likes this girl, and would love to be friends... if only she didn't think Leila preferred to be alone.[/indent] Brett Arlington - Fabricant451 [indent]Another person who dwarfs Phoebe. Soon, she'll get an inferiority complex. Phoebe doesn't pay attention to tabloids and magazines, but if she did, she'd have a few words to say about the way they regard Brett. It would likely go down something like this: "Are they saying she isn't beautiful? Can't they just leave people alone? Virgil-- where are you? Aha! Virgil, hold my glue gun! I'll show them." What with Phoebe's own struggle to keep to deadlines and her forgetfulness, she hasn't really noticed Brett's tardiness. She likes that Brett is nice to the crew, and thinks doing her own minor stunts is cool.[/indent] Virgil Siegfried Holst - Sixsmith [indent]There wasn't a redder face in the world than Phoebe's during Virgil's Oscar speech. She doesn't believe she contributed to his success at all, and will turn a dark shade of red and vehemently deny everything if it's brought up. Her agent called the following day with numerous offers from big shot production companies. Though she was glad for the work, she made sure to punch Virgil in the arm for embarrassing her. Still, she adores him. He matches her well and considers her outside of her role as prop master. She would say he's one of her best friends, for there's no one she more enjoys spending time with, and also one of the biggest reasons she forgets deadlines. She's defensive of him around people who might misinterpret his character. Phoebe knows exactly the funny quip he needs, but will never tell him. That way, she feels like she can one-up him for being so much bigger than her.[/indent] Ella Lindgren - Konica [indent]Though she's not as intimidating as Amy or Harris, and definitely not in the same way, Ella still manages to make Phoebe stand up straight and shut her mouth. She's heard rumors about the occasional outburst and the times Ella's walked out on people who can't keep up with her. But because Ella doesn't have the same looming scariness about her as some of the others, Phoebe sometimes completely forgets she's even on set. This leads to her being her usual, spirited self, until she spots Ella and freezes. Phoebe doesn't think Ella approves of her, nor would she ever want to be friends, but Phoebe will treat her with respect and kindliness until she's told to get lost. She'd be devastated if she knew that Ella didn't regard her as mature enough.[/indent] Nicholas Lyons - Sheffield [indent]Oh, Nicholas is nice to be around. They haven't spoken much, beyond the odd interaction just long enough to get Phoebe to remember who he is. She's equal parts perplexed and comforted by how incredibly normal he is. Sometimes she misses that. Don't get her wrong, she loves her job and loves where she lives, but Nicholas serves as a reminder that the rest of the world isn't like Hollywood.[/indent][/hider]