Name: Diana Sanchez Age: 17 Occupation: Senior in high school [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] (When she wears makeup, she goes for the more bold. She figures "why not" because she already stands out as it is.) Bio: The first thing you would notice about Diana is that she has albinism. It is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes due to absence or defect of tyrosinase, a copper-containing enzyme involved in the production of melanin. This makes her a little different from others around her. Not only does she have pale white skin, platinum white hair and light blue eyes, the disorder also causes her to have vision defects, such as being legally blind at 20/200. She can see some things clearly, but only at a close range. If it is more than a foot from her face, she can't see it very well, or at all. She can see some things far off, but usually only shapes, without the details. For example, if you were standing a couple feet away from her, she would be able to see you have eyes, but not be able to see what color they are. The disorder also causes her to suffer from Nystagmus, irregular rapid movement of the eyes back and forth, or in circular motion. It is something she can't control and she does not know when she is doing it. She sometimes uses bioptics, glasses which have small telescopes mounted on the lenses, so that she can look through either the regular lens or the telescope. Such a thing might help her read at close range better. She also uses monoculars, which are like one half of a pair of binoculars to get a clearer view of things further away. Diana does not let her condition get in her way of life. She is usually an outgoing person, loves life and everything in it. She is not rude or stuck up, despite what some of her peers might think. This comes from the fact that she really can't see a person when they are waving at her from across the room. She isn't ignoring you, she just can't see you. Diana also has a little sister named Jenna who also shares her condition. When their mother passes away and Diana and Jenna are sent to live with some strangers miles from where they've lived all their lives. The strangers are Diana and Jenna's godparents, her mother's childhood best friends. Diana is put in a school that in it's history has never had a student like her before. In fact, the town is so small, Diana doubts anyone there has ever seen someone like her in person. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Jenna dressed as a hauntingly beautiful mermaid. Jenna is 6 and in love with fantasy books.