[center][URL=http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/RandomPhotoPlace/media/Girls/Real/44_by_enigma_fotos-d6ybntd_zpsed402a9c.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/Girls/Real/44_by_enigma_fotos-d6ybntd_zpsed402a9c.jpg[/IMG][/URL] .:. 5'6" | 116lbs | Hair - Raven Black | Eyes - Powder blue .:.[/center] Name: Felicia Hanks Age: 18 Occupation: Senior in high school Bio: Felicia lived in the small town all her life, never traveling out past the border and completely fine with it. She likes simple and whenever something interests her she has always seemed to buzz around it til she knew everything there was to know. She seemed to have a habit of having a hyper attentive curiosity. She was just an average, everyday sort of girl despite one difference. She was a lesbian and recently came out of the closet. The small town was filled with old fashioned christians. Most people labeling her as a tramp or a slut, but in truth she was still a virgin. She just only happened to like other girls. She was put into the category of out cast because of this. Though she tries not to let it bother her. She is very open and honest, seeming impossible to make the girl awkward. She often makes other people feel awkward with how open she is by not having an issue telling a girl she is pretty. People often take it the wrong way but she is only trying to pay a compliment. Just because she is a lesbian telling another girl that she is pretty is not an attempt to hook up. Just kind manners. Because of all this Felicia doesn't have many friends despite her sweet personality. So she spends most of her time at home on the internet or flipping through channels on the tv. Luckily her parents still love and accept her, even though her mom still tries setting her up on dates with boys. [hider=Additonal Photo][URL=http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/RandomPhotoPlace/media/Girls/Real/45_by_enigma_fotos-d753550_zpsb1b9ac74.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/Girls/Real/45_by_enigma_fotos-d753550_zpsb1b9ac74.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider]