He did his best to get up, but he was met with a sharp, ruthless pressure on his back. He barely turned his head, and froze when he saw the nasty Pokemon staring down at him, the pressure causing him to drop his head to the pavement. The man then approached, roughly stealing his wallet and removing his backpack. He still felt dazed, especially with the beast compressing his lungs, he couldn't react to the sounds of a conflict behind him. However, as the Pokemon's paw left its back, he took in a deep breath, gasping as his vision began to clear. Slowly, he began to stand, wincing as he pressed his palms on the ground, forgetting his minor injuries for a moment. "Dangit," he grumbled, cleaning himself off. Reflexively, he reached back for his bag, only to remember it was stolen. With a dejected look, he turned about, seeing that the man had already gone, and began seeking some sort of official or police station, but he couldn't find one. It was then that he noticed the girl standing there where the man had once been. Then, the girl approached, his bag shouldered and she made a coy remark, "Wha- what?" he replied, still rather dazed, "Can I just have my stuff back?"