[b]Name[/b]: Leo P N B Xavier [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Position[/b]: Costume designer; he is responsible for every costume, both strange and mundane, that is worn by the actors in the movie. He has to organise and plan the outfits and design and produce them, or instruct an assistant on how to make them, when they have to be made from scratch. He also has to work closely with the other people in charge of the aesthetics of the film. [b]Appearance[/b]: While Leo is 28, he looks a lot younger and is close to 5ft, counting the mild but noticeable hunch in his back, as well as being fairly thin. He has extremely pale skin, which ends up sunburnt if he forgets to cover up. He also has jet black hair cut short and worn with a side-swept fringe, as well as a small ring on each earlobe and deep green eyes. His clothing varies wildly, tending to go towards current fashions, as well as normally wearing a noticeable amount of jewelry. He has a lot of scars on his upper body, from both injury and surgery, due to his reckless tendencies. [b]Personality[/b]: Leo, at a glance, is jovial and friendly towards anyone he doesn't actively dislike, as well as immensely passionate about his job. He is incredibly knowledgeable about all facets of clothing and uses this passionately to fulfil his responsibilities as a costume designer. He considers his job to be an important part of his life and takes pride in the costuming of films he works on. Outside of work he is more chaotic, unpredictable and spontaneous in his actions, which sometimes leads him into trouble. While he doesn't really care what other people think of him, he tends to stick up to anyone he feels in unfairly treated or in a situation he feels is unjust. [b]History[/b]: Leo was born, with a twin sister named Simha, in London. His parents regularly changed between quasi-spiritual belief systems, imposing an unstable and chaotic influence on the two. From a young age, their parents pressed the two children into acting, commercials and small parts producing money, both children only getting minor parts but managing to amass a notable amount of money. The parents managed to cheat the protection laws and take most of their children's earnings before quickly sinking it into new-age fads and investment scams. By the time Leo and Simha were teenagers and old enough to understand what had happened, their parents had already taken the vast majority of the money. The two of them seized the rest of the money and moved out as soon as they were legally old enough, cutting all connections to their parents after successfully suing them. While his sister continued acting and made enough money to support the both of them, Leo quit acting in order to get treatment for physical deformities which had occurred due to a developmental disorder and never returned. When his sister got a part in a major Hollywood film, they both moved to America. Although he had stopped acting, Leo still wanted to be part of film-making. No longer held back by parents stealing his money and pushing him into acting, he started to seriously follow his dreams and design costumes. He started off using his sister's contracts to get small jobs as other people's assistant making costumes for various films and gradually worked his way up, training and becoming better known in the industry until he finally got the chance to become costume designer for large films. [b]Miscellaneous[/b]: Leo had kyphosis due to a developmental disorder as a teenager which was treated but still left him with a noticeable hunch. He was born on August 20th, meaning that his star sign is indeed Leo. His middle names are Peridot Neptune Blaze but he attempts to keep this secret, being deeply embarrassed by them.