Sorry this took a little longer than I thought it would. Oh, and I'll get some sheets up for the island nation of [s]Oro[/s], the underwater Merfolk country, and the [s]Tidewarden faction[/s] up soon. This one just took priority. [hider=Rohe] [center][b]Rohe Farwind[/b][/center] [center]Ambassador to the Merfolk[/center] [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 28, though looks younger than his true age- a common feat among Oroborn. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=]Rohe![/url] [i]Rohe in his Tidewarden uniform. He was known for wearing this during his deals with the Merfolk council to deter any assassination attempts.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Very philanthropic: Rohe prefers to think of others and the "bigger picture" rather than on himself. This is largely attributed to his time spent with the Tidewardens, which gave him the trait of being protective of those he cares about, though both of these ideals have been passed down through his heritage. Though his fellow Oroborn often shunned him for his open-mindedness, Rohe will always try and remain grayscale when meeting and interacting with new peoples and races. In group settings, Rohe likes to make sure that everyone is getting their share of opinions and voice time. He's witnessed too many meetings and debates where a seemingly "lesser party" never got the chance to speak for themselves and were forced to suffer because of it. [b]History:[/b] Originally born Rohe Squallcry, the future Ambassador to the Merfolk, the Deceiver of Oro, was born into poverty and family-wide angst in the less-than-desirable sector of Sorrow's Bastion, the largest city of the Oro. Though he was in his adolescence when he finally realized it- Rohe's mother was a [i]Colto'mah[/i], a whore who answered to a brothel that specialized in "unique or unusual requests". For Rohe, this would mean that he was part Merfolk himself, though his conception was not an accidental lack of contraception, it was rape. Being of a Merfolk decent in Sorrow's Bastion brought a social stigma to Rohe. Being highly discriminating and distrustful of the water dwellers, he felt out of place in the world. He wasn't accepted in Sorrow's Bastion; no one wanted to hire a young man with webbed hands and feet, no matter how hard he worked. At the same time, he wouldn't be accepted among the Merfolk- though he had an exponentially higher lung capacity than the rest of the Oroborn, he still couldn't breathe underwater, not that the water dwellers would accept someone so human looking among them, anyway. Rohe had a particularly grim view of the world growing up, more than once contemplating ending his life altogether. His world views would soon change, however, when he met Waihi, a Tidewarden. He was a tall, burly, and dark-skinned man, his dreaded hair held in a ponytail that was secured with a small skull. An Oroborn in its purest form. By all means, this warrior should've lashed out at Rohe for merely looking at him- it's how Oroborn were taught to treat Merfolk. But he didn't. When the young, skeletal, hollow-eyed and web-handed boy called Rohe shakily asked if he could spare a coin for a boot shining, the Tidewarden smiled. Not the snide, judgmental, dark intent smile that Rohe was used to- no, this man was expressing gratitude at the "mutant hybrid's" offer, lashing out with a smile of kindness and respect rather than hate and bigotry. To his day, Rohe remembers it clearly. "Wale certain'ly, youn' child. An' when yare done, how 'bout we grab a bite'a eat? Ye'are skin an' bones, boy!" he told him with his thick Oroborn accent. Rohe was taken aback by the mans openness to accept his wager. The hold time he had been flinching- waiting for the kick to the gut or fist to the cheek. For a moment he stared back at the man, astonished. The Tidewarden laughed a hearty laugh. "What ya be doin' boy? Me boots ain' shinin' themselves!" he flashed Rohe another smile. When the boot shining was finished, the Tidewarden took young Rohe to the local tavern to buy him a meal and something to drink. When they first entered the tavern they were greeted with astonished and assuming looks as the Tidewarden draped his arm around the bone-thin societal exile and ordered and payed for his meal. It wasn't much, but it was the biggest portion of food Rohe had had in months. He was closed off and quiet at first, but soon the Tidewarden had him laughing at his jokes and talking about his family. At one point the Tidewarden, whom Rohe had now learned was named Waihi, got a serious look in his eye. "You might not believe it, youn' child," Rohe wondered why he continued to call him that, when Waihi knew he was almost 18, "but I'm an exile, too." Rohe laughed at this at first, but seeing the distant and unwavering look in Waihi's eyes made him straighten up. "Wen' ye'are a Tidewarden you get t' see tings that others may not get to see," Waihi explained, dropping his stare from Rohe, "You get t' see a worl' free of hatred an' fear, places where all types of people live in harm'ny." "I've seen places like that, youn' child, and I wonder why it can't be that way 'ere. The Merfol' don't deserve the treatment we give dem. They aren' diff'rent than us." Waihi extended a thick index finger and prodded Rohe where his heart would be, if he were fully human. Merfolk had hearts on the opposite side as humans, and Rohe's heart was located there, as well. Waihi looked directly in Rohe's eyes, "No matta' the color you are or the shape of your hands or where you come from, you'll always be you. Don' kid yourself an' believe what anyone calls you. The only one who knows you- is [i]you[/i]. Be the bes' you that you can be." That last statement "Be the best you that you can be" stuck with Rohe. Waihi was eventually called back to service and Rohe was left alone on the streets again, but he was a new man. The kind words of a single man were enough to inspire Rohe to toughen up and set his morals straight- look at what he really believed as opposed to what others told him to believe. He went home that night with a full belly. His revelation of self-being would soon be put to the test, however, since as he was nearing his home he witnessed his mother being beaten by unhappy. Had Rohe not met Waihi that day he wouldn't have ever done what he did- Rohe fought back. He beat back the two muggers, nearly killing one with a broken bottle, and nursed his mother back to health over the next few weeks- going hungry so she could eat just a little bit more. He was surprised that no jailers came to arrest him. It was among these days that Rohe set his first life goal, something that he thought he'd never do: he was going to get his mother out of the whoring business. To do that, Rohe would need to become the main moneymaker between the two of them, and jobs weren't exactly common for Merfolk or their hybrids. He started, admittedly, in the criminal underworld, working for small surface-dwelling Merfolk groups who needed goods scavenged to various locations around Ju'ra. Since he couldn't afford a boat and lacked the knowledge to build one, Rohe would often swim the distance for inter-island jobs, over the years becoming an incredibly strong and talented swimmer. Once he had enough money to pay a bouncer to let him apply for a job at a tavern, Rohe transitioned jobs and brought himself out of the criminal world, working as a table cleaner at the tavern and giving the bouncer a small cut of his pay for not beating him and throwing him out of the job. Regardless, it paid more than smuggling, and this was at least legal. Eventually, when Rohe was 22, a miracle happened- through the tavern doors strolled Waihi. He was apparently older than Rohe remembered, since his dreads had now become mostly grey. Waihi had changed his life once, and he was about to do it again. "I'm retirin', youn' child," he still called him that, "an' I want you to take my place." Rohe was flabbergasted- a part-Merfolk hybrid, among the Tidewardens? His first instinct was to decline the offer immediately, but Waihi promised that he had arranged everything and he wasn't going to take no for an answer. They journeyed to Tearfall, known for being the central location for Tidewarden recruitment in Ju'ra, and sure enough, Kapiti, head recruiter for the Tidewardens, greeted them both with open arms. Kapiti was a small and lithe looking man, with bronze skin and more hair on his chin than his head. "Is this the one you told me about, Warden Waihi?" "Aye, sir, 'tis the one I been watchin'. Knows the islands like the back of 'is hands, an' can swim for days on end without restin'." "And the incident with the muggers?" "Fought them off, sir, both of 'dem. Nearly killed one, too. The boy can fight if he's defendin' somethin' we love." "I don't know about this one, Waihi. What's wrong with his hands and feet?" "Did that to 'imself, sir. Wanted to try an' make 'imself swim faster." There was a long pause as Kapiti eyed Rohe up and down. "From me to you, sir, what've you to lose? You know the tensions been growin' 'tween the Bastion and the Merfolk- we need strong swimmers if this war ever breaks out. 'Cides, if he doesn't make the cut, we can just send 'im back 'ome." "I 'spose you've got a point, Warden Waihi." To Rohe, that sounded like, "Time to start you're new life, youn' child." -- The training was the toughest thing Rohe had ever had to do in his life.The Tidewardens used several types of exotic weapons, and he was expected to be able to competently use each one. In the end though, his skill with spears and tridents are what broke through, and when he was deployed on patrols he never left without one. During his service with the Tidewardens Rohe learned how to fight- he learned how to kill things. While this wasn't exactly what Rohe had had in mind when he devoted himself to bringing his mother out of the whoring business, he [i]had[/i] been sending enough money back for her to live comfortably unemployed. So he continued fighting and killing- defending the coasts of Ju'ra as a Tidewarden so his mother would never have to satisfy another man and risk being beaten if she didn't. But Rohe also used his new position to spread the ideals of equality and fairness- telling the Merfolk tales of lands where various races live in harmony, and telling the Oroborn tales of Merfolk valiance that were sure to please any warrior. Though as his life had made a habit of, however, it was about to change once more. He was only 26 when he was called in, and to his knowledge, Rohe remains the youngest to ever receive a personal audience with Chief Whatua, ruler of the nation of Oro. He spoke to Rohe about his dire fear of a war breaking out between the Oroborn and the Merfolk, and both sides distrust of one another led to almost nonexistent diplomatic arrangements. They needed a middleman, an Ambassador to speak on behalf of the nation of Oro to encourage the development of both societies as they always had been: Oro as the supreme beings, and the Merfolk as the lesser. Since Ruhe had the blood of both races in his veins, Whatua saw him as the prime candidate. Rohe was prompt to accept- though he had his own agenda in mind. It would take guile, dishonesty, ruthlessness, and determination, but Rohe was sure the ends justified the means: He was going to establish equality between the Merfolk and the Oroborn. For the last few years, Rohe has been pursuing this goal, one tiny step at a time; most of it was done in secrecy, since Whatua would surely disprove of Rohe's intents. However, Rohe was caught negotiating a private deal to have a Merfolk clan smuggled out of Sorrow's Bastion, and this incident was brought to the public. He successfully convinced Chief Whatua that it was to keep the "rowdy dissidents" from stirring up rumors of a race war, but in the public eye he earned the title of 'the Deceiver of Oro' and was shunned by the general populace. This made him a hero in the eyes of the Merfolk. However, rumors of a war between the Merfolk and Oro [i]did[/i] actually arise, and while many Merfolk adored Rohe for his efforts, there were others that wanted this war to happen, and they saw the Ambassador as a barricade to that goal. While en route to a fairly routine discussion with the Merfolk council, Rohe was ambushed. He beat back many of the assailants, but ultimately their numbers were what bested him. He woke up a day later with a bag over his head, and he didn't see the light of day for months, the bag only ever opened enough for Rohe to be fed or for water. When the bag was at last snatched off, Rohe was beaten once more, and again slipped into unconsciousness. He awoke with no possessions other than his travel garb, and he soon learned that he had been drug to the other side of the continent, into the [b]Foraiysh Woods[/b]. [b]Equipment:[/b] Currently, nothing but his travelling garbs, a rough shield made of bark and an accompanying spear fashioned from a branch. Luckily, this element isn't unfamiliar to Rohe, having served in the Wardens. [b]Faction (If any):[/b] Oroborn- Ambassador to the Merfolk, former Tidewarden (Had a service time of about four years) [b]Marital Status:[/b] Single [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Tidewarden Training[/i]: Rohe is an adequate fighter when using the weapons he's been trained in. His particular preferences have been shield and spear, bladed tonfa, and kris', but he's also received some training (Enough to be competent, but not good, with) in archery and two-handed weaponry. [i]Merfolk Heritage[/i]: Rohe's "father" was a Merfolk, and the bonding of Merfolk and Human led to Rohe appearing human, though with minor changes. The most notable are his webbed hands and feet, which make swimming a breeze for Rohe. The less noticeable is an inverted heart- while humans' are located more towards the left, Rohe's is oriented more towards the right. Rohe can also hold his breathe an incredibly long amount of time underwater. He's never reached his limit, but it could easily be hours if not days. Rohe has also noticed that as he ages he is starting to feel gills form between his neck and shoulders, though these are still so underdeveloped that Rohe can't breathe underwater. [i]Political Figure[/i]: Having served as a political Ambassador to the Merfolk, there's a certain degree of sway that Rohe has with them. On the flipside, however, the denizens of Oro have a hard time forgetting his secrecy and dishonesty, resulting in him being even more distrusted by them than his heritage already caused. [i]Philanthropist[/i]: Rohe has held himself to a strict morale code ever since he received the rank of Ambassador, and that is to dedicate himself to bettering others, in his case, the Merfolk. This ideology extends to other areas of his life, however, and people will often discover that he is a man concentrated on servitude and kindness, despite his recent history. [/hider] [hider=Oro][center][b]the Island Nation of Oro[/b][/center] [center][i]a Nation inhabited by humans and their Merfolk slaves. Those who are citizens of Oro, and are human, are called Oroborn[/i][/center] [b]Location:[/b] Ju'ra- encompasses most islands. [b]Purpose:[/b] Their own mission statement is to "keep the Merfolk in check", though like most nations they exist simply to hold their own land and stay in power. [b]Key Members:[/b] Chief Whatua- the ruler of Oro. He has say in basically everything that happens in Oro. Nga Iwi- Head of Chief Whatua's personal guard. A strong, lumbering, silent Oroborn, Nga Iwi is known for starting ruthless inquisitions against "out of line Merfolk", and the mere site of the massive figure is often enough to drive away any would-be assassin. They say that Nga Iwi employs agents, himself, to help him keep tabs on the goings on in Oro. Mamoe- Chief Whatua's wife. Not much else is know about her, however, other than Whatua's description of her as "a fine woman". [b]Key Locations:[/b] [url=]Sorrow's Bastion[/url] - Capital city of Oro, and the center for all commerce, politics, and the largest and most populated city, as well. There's a constant haze that hangs above the city that is equal parts smoke from chimneys and fog from the bordering seas, leading to a very grim look as the sun rarely shines through. [url=]Tearfall[/url] - Home to and establishing city of the Tidewardens. While it is bigger than Sorrow's Bastion in size, many think that the presence of so many Tidewardens is what keep Tearfall's population lower than average. [b]Advantages:[/b] [i]Slave Labor[/i]: Oro has dictated the Merfolk to be lesser beings and have taken many as slaves, forcing the nearby Merfolk country to offer a monthly tribute in slaves or be destroyed. This results in an abundance of labor, and almost everyone is guaranteed a job. [i]Tidewardens[/i]: The elite fighting force of Oro, dedicated to keeping the coasts of Ju'ra safe. What they lack in magical prowess they make up for in martial skill. [i]Exotic Resources[/i]: The main export and income for Oro; has led to the nation being very prosperous. [b]Disadvantages:[/b] [i]Racism[/i]: A huge problem that many other factions look down upon, Oro is certainly known for being an extremely racist country, shunning Merfolk the hardest. [i]Disjointed Islands:[/i] While Oro technically owns all of them, there are countless smaller islands that have yet to be explored. This has led to pirate coves being formed that intercept trade and passenger ships, making travel very tough between islands. [i]Primitive[/i]: Aside from the elite Tidewardens, Oroborn warriors lack the sophisticated technology and metal armor of some of the other factions. Most Oroborn are also not capable of magic, or it is so mundane that it simply isn't useful. Those that are skilled with it, however, are either higher in society or outcast for being "a threat to the Chief". [b]Rules/Laws:[/b] Summed up: don't respect the Merfolk, stay strong to protect your family, and do as Whatua says.[/hider] [hider=the Tidewardens] [b][center]the Order of the Tidewardens[/center][/b] [center]Vigils of the Coast, Protectors of the Ports[/center] [b]Location:[/b] Oro, in Ju'ra [b]Purpose:[/b] To wander the various wilds and uninhabited coasts to defend coastal cities and ports from threats, monstrous or otherwise. They also have recently begun to serve as a loose policing force for Oro. [b]History:[/b] Formed by a small group of like-minded villagers around the time Oro was established; the group of men took up arms to hunt down a creature that had kidnapped a boy from his home. They tracked it down, slayed the beast in its coastal cave, and afterwards dedicated themselves to keeping this sort of activity from happening ever again. The group was recognized by the recently anointed Chief of Oro, one of Whatua's ancestors, and was then dubbed the Tidewardens. The group was opened up for the public to join- but after an alarming rate of casualties it was closed off once more, an intense training regimen instated as an application. The order has prospered since then, and continues to in these times of unease between the Oroborn and Merfolk. [b]Key Members:[/b] [i]Kapiti[/i]- Current leader of the Tidewardens. He's old, bald, and almost frail looking, but those who know the man personally say he could kill you with a flick of his wrist. [b]Advantages:[/b] Trained in the various and exotic weapons that are synonymous with Oro; the most popular being bladed tonfas, double sided spears, hand claws, and serrated kris. They also have a huge presence in Oro, and have quite the sway in certain matters. [b]Disadvantages:[/b] Common Wardens will often not have magic- those who do are usually sent to leadership positions, which involves more research than fieldwork. Tidewardens also don't receive training in any armor- which leads to an abundance of shields, but the light armor they wear is pretty vulnerable. There's also a large percentage of people who don't trust the order, claiming they're corrupt and merely lapdogs for the Chief. The order is also strongly distrusted by the Merfolk; while the Wardens keep the waters clear, many Merfolk question when the Wardens will turn their blades on [i]them[/i], instead. [/hider] [hider=the Kingdom of Vand] [b][center]the Kingdom of Vand[/center][/b] [center]Home of the Merfolk[/center] [b]Location:[/b] Various- the most concentrated is under Ju'ra. [b]Purpose:[/b] At this point- survive with their Kingdom in tact. [b]Key Members:[/b] [i]King Nido[/i]: The long-serving and valiant ruler of Vand- is known for being one of the oldest Merfolk to ever have lived. [i]Arbiter Typhon[/i]: The executive that Rohe would meet with almost weekly. Has ultimate say in matters that deal with Oro, most importantly the monthly tribute of slaves. Answers directly to King Nido. [b]Advantages:[/b] [i]Underwater[/i]: Being based under the seas, their Kingdom is very difficult to attack by those that don't have the capacity to breathe underwater. [i]Brave[/i]: The Merfolk are known for being incredibly brave individuals. This is especially important in their current times. [i]Advanced[/i]: Technologically, the Merfolk are pretty advanced, having to invent and adapt things that can be used underwater. [b]Disadvantages:[/b] [i]Oppressed[/i]: Overruled by the surface nation of Oro, and have to pay a monthly tribute of slaves or risk being destroyed by the Tidewardens. [i]Rebellious[/i]: Their natural spirit and feeling of loyalty to their country makes the Merfolk a rebellious people not content in being ruled by anyone other than their king. Rebelliousness and bravery don't always make the best combo. [b][center]On the Topic of Merfolk[/center][/b] [i]My recent studies have led me to the Merfolk- a curious little race that resides under the waters near the coasts. First of all, I've noticed that no matter their location they answer to their king, who resides in their capital city all the way near Ju'ra. Their fanaticism doesn't make them hostile, however; it does quite the opposite. They look up to their ruler and aspire to be like him- since Nido is an incredibly just and righteous being, this reflects itself in his people. The Merfolk differ physically, and their appearance is attributed to heritage, like us humans. However, there are several distinct..types of heritage, of which I have noticed two. The first is very humanoid looking: Their skin color ranges from teal to royal blue, fins replace hair, and their eyes are a solid, glossy color, usually black or a shade of green. They have no noticeable noses, but are bipedal with webbed hands and feet. This allows this first group to be much more amphibious than the second, and often their place in society is interacting with the surface dwelling races. This first group is also the more abundant one. The second is much more fish-like. While they pertain the torso, arms, and head of humans, their bottom half often mirrors a fish, snake, or eel. They are less amphibious because of this, though are still capable of top siding if need be. This second group seems to be the physically superior in terms of strength- the many I've seen have been acting as guards or bouncers. My time with the Merfolk was short, however, so I could not inquire if there are more types than the ones I saw. They are a beautiful, mysterious, and kind race, and I can think of no reason why one would hate them.[/i][/hider]