*THROWS YOU ALL TO THE WOLVES* "Aha, I've found you! Hibari Koichi..." A cheerful foreign female's voice sounded from a nearby rooftop. Within an instant the girl had jumped off and somehow landed without breaking her legs. Her eyes fell on each of them, she was like a predator having just spotted her unsuspecting prey. Taking a few steps closer, the girl continued, "It was easy to find ya'. I just followed the beaten down cannon fodder... Pretty impressive stuff, I gotta admit." She grinned fiercely at them and unhooked a whip that was attached to her belt. "...Dunno who the other one is, but I've got orders concerning you, Hibari. You have an opportunity to join a stronger faction than the Vongola Family. But of course, I've done my homework... You're not with those dudes really. You just like a challenge, don't ya?" The teen let the whip fall at her side as she stopped walking and tilted her head curiously, "...Well?" ---------- Ami pushed her eyes into Hinata's shoulder as their white-haired saviour tore through the intercepting men in suits, refusing to look knowing that she'd more than likely hurl. Just what the hell had they gotten themselves into?! No... What did she drag poor Hinata here into? Her eyes inched away from his shoulder, head slowly turning to see the swordswoman's blade tinted with red. At least they were still alive... What was that bright light coming from the young woman's ring? It was like fire, but brighter; it shone like the sun. But before the curious girl could ask, Ami found herself suddenly staring at another source of pressure. The Shrine? "Fuck, Ulfric! I told you not to let her out of your sight! Rrr.. I'll just fix your screwup and take all the credit...!" An Italian man's voice sounded from the direction of Nami' Shrine. There was the sound of a flame being ignited, but it was soon replaced by a low growling sound. A predatory creature long forgotten by time charged down the steps towards Amalea, Hinata and Ami baring it's two massive canine teeth. "Tear 'em apart, Ripper! ...But leave the girl." The Sabertooth slowed to a halt, staring at the three. It's tail was tipped with red fire, along with it's claws and some patches of fur. The beast clearly hadn't just escaped from the fucking zoo. The Box Animal's master was at the top of the steps suited like all the other mafia troops, but this one looked more carefree, even smug about the whole situation. "We.. We should go another way.." Ami suggested-slash-whimpered at the sight of the prehistoric 'humans worst nightmare'. ...Just what the hell was with all this colourful fire?! ---------- "Oh man, Option C sounds so fun! Let's go with C." Laughed the firey-haired young man, the same one Calthorn had witnessed executing Sora Sawada only minutes earlier. Now he was here - confronting the CEDEF agents in the pouring rain. Alone. Without a weapon. The guy didn't even have the gun he'd shot Sora with anymore... Either he was insane and had a major deathwish, or more likely: he knew he'd be able to take them both out without the need for rings or boxes. Unfortunately that risk didn't cross the pink-haired swordswoman's mind at the time - she simply wanted to do one thing to the smug son of bitch. "I'm going to cut his head off," Ruby commented out of nowhere, glancing at Leo with a bored expression plastered on her face. ---------- (I'll throw some evil guy CSs up sooner or later, just uh.. just roll with it for now. Gimme a day to sort this out. xD Also Cronic, feel free to join anyone's fight. Your Mist counterpart is a little preoccupied with other things for now, like sneaking. :3)