Artemis walked around the room, trying to piece things together. Up until yesterday this had been the home of a young man, just out of school with a bright future waiting for him. Now he was dead, and every fact pointed to his brother as the killer, but Artemis just couldn't get his head around that. The man had no crime record, no history of violence, and by all accounts had loved his brother more than himself. So why, Artemis pondered, would he suddenly murder that brother in his own home? Sighing, he looked out a nearby window at the clocktower, and saw a reflection in it that made his heart stop. Reaching for his service weapon, he drew the gun and turned on the man with the knife. The alleged murderer just giggled, walking forwards with the blade raised. "Freeze!" Artemis said, tightening his grip on the pistol. Instead of stopping, the man broke into a run, and Artemis fired two shots into him. When the man didn't fall, and instead seemed to speed up, he hesitated. He suddenly felt an emotion he hadn't known in many years. He was terrified. He was going to die.