@Sillt Ah, Dark Western Fantasy. You've never read King's Dark Tower series, then. Good stuff- most of it, anyway. Anywho, down to bi'ness... Name: John Samuel Mahone Gender: Male Race: Human Age: 36 Personality: Though genial behind the bar, John is by nature a private and withdrawn man. An avid reader (especially of old pulp fiction, and, to a lesser extent, history), he takes great delight in sharing bits of trivia with patrons. He is good-natured, but a bit of a cynic, and is from time to time downright morose. Though easygoing enough, he does not tolerate harassment or violence in his establishment, and will not hesitate to alert station security. Neither will he hesitate to act on his own, if the need arises. Job: Bartender (The Asimov Lounge) Past Job(s): Freighter Captain (The Socrates), Spacer (Crewman- Earth Defense Fleet) Bio: Born on Earth to a middle-class family, John dreamed from an early age of adventure. Growing up he was a bit on the bookish side, and often a bit of a downer. His upbringing was unremarkable, but pleasant enough. At eighteen, he joined the Fleet, and served without particular distinction for several years. Having saved meticulously, he left the Fleet, and immediately bought a second-hand, second-rate old freighter, christening it "Socrates." For nearly a decade he traveled from system to system,doing business with strange and exotic aliens. Some routes paid handsomely. Others, not so much. When all was said and done, and he'd had about all he could stand of hauling water and food from agriworlds to distant scientific outposts, John sold his ship to his first mate, one T. Mori, and traveled a bit on his own. After finding a decent bit of real estate on a newly-constructed space station, he decided to put down roots and open up a saloon- the Asimov Lounge, named in honor of an ancient Earth scientist and Biblical critic. Reason for joining the station: Prime location for a taproom, I reckon. Other: I wasn't sure what sort of Universe this was, exactly, and whether or not there was an 'Earth' for humans to be from, and all that. I went ahead and assumed there was- but if not, I can tweak my CS a bit.