Nina sighed to herself, she didn't see why she had to attend these meetings, it wasn't like they involved her in any of the hunts anyways. Hunts, that's what they called them, but she knew better than to believe what 'they' said. It was murder. They didn't understand what a Doll was, what they did, but it wasn't like she could tell them. "Miss Kakuzu, you're slouching." her butler whispered to her. She sighed again, "So what Jeffry? I'm bored, I'd rather be doing something else right now." she huffed. The meeting wrapped up and Nina's father beckoned to her, "Nina, I know you like to do things your way, but things are about to change around here. There will be places you cannot walk into anymore. I'm sorry, but it's becoming too dangerous for you to be wandering around anymore, so please just stay in your room from now on. You understand, right?" he asked, turning around to stare out the window. Nina was about to protest, but decided against it, "Yes, father." she replied. "Good, now, hurry along. Dinner will be shortly." he dismissed her. She huffed, but left the room and made her way towards her room, grabbing the wall as she felt a slight tremor. She made a face, knowing exactly what caused the tremor, [i]Eris...[/i] she thought, making her way past two frightened men that bolted past her. She closed her door and locked it, moving to the closet where she kept Eris hidden, digging through the assortment of junk she used to conceal the Doll with. She finally found Eris, sighing and holding her head, "Eris, you know I don't like it when you use your abilities in the house, it causes suspicion." she scolded the girl. However, Nina couldn't ever stay mad at Eris, after all, she had saved Nina's life. Helping her to stand, Nina spoke again, "My father's lost all sense of reason, Eris, he wishes to confine me here in this room. I cannot do it. I cannot just sit here and do nothing anymore. That's why I've decided to leave this place, whatever is happening out there, it has to be stopped. We're leaving, Eris, tonight." she said. *** [i]This...feeling. The feeling of one near's just as before...just like the first time...[/i] a man thought. He slowly stood, the world he knew slowly starting to reveal a familiar world he had visited once before, a world where 'they' could be found. Perhaps he could find 'him' there again, just like before. But this time, this time he would be the victor. Eventually the images came to focus on one man, [i]This is him, the one who will not say no, just as 'she' didn't say no.[/i] he thought. He smirked, reaching for his mask, placing it where it belonged. After that, a pair of twin katanas appeared before him, [i]Murasame. Muramasa. It is time to return to that world again, to exact vengeance on 'him'. This human will be my new anchor, a means to an end, an end that knows no bounds.[/i] he thought, taking hold of the weapons. Sheathing them on his back, he moved through the shimmering light and into the mortal world, his body manifesting to the right of Artemis, "Do not ask how I got here, human, you would not understand. Instead, if you wish to live, then allow yourself to be my anchor here. Do so, and I will ensure your survival." he said, his voice cold and monotonous. He watched the advancing Puppeteer, hands on his blades, "Decide quickly now, human." he added.