Before really diving into a plot it might be a good idea to discuss the one thing that will always be a focus and that is the movies budget. While not film projects, I have worked on several multimedia productions and believe me and everyone involved that how much money and where it was going is always on everyone's mind. This can be a big driving perspective for just about every character. To give an idea of how this can affect different jobs here are a few examples of where the budget could play into a character. Director: The vision or standards they have in their brain is just not possible with the budget allowed. This could be anything from casting a high profile actor or getting a specific type of special effects for an action sequence. It also can limit how much leeway they are given as well as how much control they even have over the making of the film. Before they act the producers or production company can just ax an idea and the director is left with only other options. A conflict of reality and desire can then set in. Actors: How much of the earnings is the actor or actress getting if the movie is a success. Many A list talent have additions to their contract in regards to the success of a movie. This can include a percentage of the ticket sales as well as first casting rights to the character if they decide to do a sequel. If an actor is not given any of these and is simply paid up front it could be viewed as a lack of faith in the actor or the movie as a whole. This could lead to an actor being over energetic in hopes of a great movie or lethargic as they have already been paid. Crew: They may mostly have union jobs which are protected and secure, but don't let that fool anyone. They know that because of that protection they need to be always on the ball and above all efficient. A single error can result in tens of thousands of dollars being wasted and that means some people getting fired and the crew possibly being black listed. The biggest mistakes can be one guy forgetting the right camera for a field shot and having to get it overnight delivered. This also goes to just about everyone working behind the camera who doesn't have a chair with their name on it. There is also a large amount of "It will work for now" element to many crew jobs. Weren't able to get the specific track for the camera or designer for the actors to wear? Well do the best you can and you better not make anyone important blame you if it goes south. Producers: More often than not they are the ones having to say no to everyone else asking for more money. They are the bank of the movie and also have by far the most invested in its success. This often leads to them being more involved than a full end production company. Producers who start to take over the creation of the film can cause a war between the director (the artist) and the producer (the guy paying everyone) which is an easy way to get a movie to become over budget and delayed. This constant pressure of the budget is, in my opinion, a key point that everyone will have to address and accept at some point along with a good method to create drama, tension, or tone for the role play as a whole. I am not saying we just condemn the movie to fail due to lack of money. If I were to recommend a back drop I figure us filming a movie considered to be the next big Superhero movie, An honest suggestion would be a Wonder Woman movie. This is a pretty big issue in Hollywood with so many Marvel and DC characters headlining the summer box offices a large voice for some of them to feature female leads has begun to grow. Since the movie Catwoman with Hallie Berry was so dismal the entire industry has basically written off female superheroes. It would be a great issue to tackle with more than enough points for us to have character interactions. I would be happy to take on a senior role as a writer or a consultant if people aren't really that knowledgeable about comics and stuff. I am hoping people read this post all the way though. I am not putting a summery section at the end because I believe everything I wrote was important. I am happy to lay out the Wonder Woman idea a little bit more if people have questions. Hope this was informative!