It was past curfew. Or at least that's what it [i]seemed[/i] to be, because Ashlynn didn't wear a watch. Being out past curfew was a severely punishable offense, but only if you got caught; and besides, she needed to get out of the academic bastion of Prometheus Academy as it felt a bit too stuffy. She was taking a shortcut to her motorcycle, which she rode on her way to Ceteris. She underestimated how fast the sun went down at this time of year, and now she was taking the most dangerous route to her vehicle- through narrow and dark alleyways. Suddenly she heard someone whisper something behind her, and before she could turn around or react, blacked out. --- She soon came to. Head aching and ears ringing, she woke up in an abandoned warehouse. It was dark, barely lit, and smelled like mold. "Ew," Ashlynn said as she looked around, getting up and dusting herself off. Her eyes locked onto a group of 12, all cloaked. "If you were looking for a good time, you sure picked the wrong girl," Ashlynn said coldly. She formed telekinetic blades on her arms, ready to rumble.