With her last host... compromised, fatally so, and no access to his funds, Rose was attracting a lot of attention as she swanned her way through a busy shopping arcade. Some of it was to do to her inexplicable outfit, but most was down to the wings. People, as a rule, didn't have wings like that. It rather explained the spreading panic. So, too, did the fate of those that wouldn't get out of her way in time: neck grabbed, snapped, and tossed over her shoulder like it weighed nothing. Worthless trash; not enough money between all of them. The body count was currently seven, with at least a dozen more injured due to the projectiles. The Puppeteer was on a hunt: someone in relatively modest attire... but with the [i]quality[/i] enough to give clues. She wanted wealth, but not someone already on the brink of destitution or busy frittering away their funds. No, she wanted something more... sustainable. Oh, she'd burn through everything in a few months, but until then she'd be living the high life, and have enough to keep a decent level of influence. That's when she sighted Rosaline. The crowd, even rushing to get away and clearing space, ceased to be moving fast enough for her tastes. People were smashed into the ground by the Puppeteer's pushing down on them to jump back into the air, hopping her way towards the duchess, until her target... Well, at least one person threw up from the sight of a body moving seamlessly [i]into[/i] another body. Red mist surrounded the new Marionette, making certain that nobody could identify the physical changes that would give her away--not that anyone who could reasonably [i]act[/i] on this was around--and then... gone. No body, no crazed, winged monstrosity. The panic, however, had only just started. It would be some time, and probably involve more injuries and deaths, before order was restored in that area of the city. ---- Meanwhile, in an alleyway over a mile away, the exploded corpse seemed curiously... drained. It was the sort of injury that demanded lots of bloodshed, but there was none: just one exploded beggar, and one pale female, grinning. Ah, such a [i]perfect[/i] Marionette. This would be fun...