[b]Name[/b]: Krista Carson [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Nationality[/b]: Australian [b]Personality[/b]: Krista is the type of person who would be great to have a few laughs and some beers with -- she's amiable, cheerful, humorous, flirtatious, and all and all approachable, making her complete and utter lack of moral compunctions all the more jarring. As long as it is practical for whatever job she has been hired for, then there are no lines which she considers 'too far', as long as doing so doesn't have some kind of foreseeable problem in the future. She is a highly intelligent polyglot fluent in several languages, and is reasonably well-versed in a few others, along with being an adapt negotiator -- yet despite this, holds a hedonistic lifestyle. Personal amusement, euphoria, and gratification are all major motivators to her, whether it be sex, drugs, or thrill seeking, Krista will probably try it, to the point where it can seem like she has a sheer disregard for her own physical well-being. Krista will freely admit that she is an unrepentant villain lacking any real compassion or moral code, and that she is [i]completely[/i] comfortable with that fact. [b]Background check[/b]: Krista grew up in a downright idyllic environment -- rich family, decent sized two story building, expensive education, and essentially guaranteed university education before she was even born. Despite having an upbringing that most would consider incredibly lucky to have, Krista was just [i]bored[/i]. While she showed an incredible talent for memory and general information intake, and found that she was incredibly fascinated with learning other languages -- something which she dedicated a large portion of her life to learning -- she absolutely disregarded everything else. All of her grades fell because she never gave a single damn about the other subjects, and had to be held back for two high school years due to poor grades. She also got a criminal record before she turned 14, due to petty theft, and had to be sent to a youth detention centre for a year due to being caught dealing marijuana. After she was released, she didn't stop her further entrenchment into the Australian illicit drug trade -- if anything, her time in the detention centre increased her need to satiate her boredom, but this time she was more cautious and experienced. She continued this trend as she creeped into adulthood, managing to get into a university due to her parents money, picking up a Bachelor of Languages with her already well-developed language skills. In her first job drug trade overseas at the age of 23, she was asked to be an interpretor for their dealings with the Kan Yi Fan Triad of Roanapur, However, the deal went sour, and she was stranded in the hell hole of a city. While she had a very rough start-up, she slowly got the attention of Hotel Moscow with her language skills, and is currently working for Nomad Company. She found that she took to live in that town pretty well, all things considered, but she does wonder if she ever wishes to get back to Australia. [b]Skills/ Abilities[/b]: -- Polyglot: she speaks English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Portugese fluently, and is reasonable well-versed, but not fully, in Italian, Indonesian, and Japanese. -- Reasonable negotiating and manipulation skills -- although often has trouble will long term planning. -- Can drive reasonably well. [b]Equipment[/b]: -- CZ 110 Pistol, 9x19mm - for general protection. She will admit to be being an awful shot. She also has a holster underneath her suit's jacket. -- An old cell phone -- good for calls and texts, nothing else. -- A relatively new laptop -- although, she was ripped off, it's a piece of crap. Contains copious amounts of pornography, and Minesweeper. [b]Role on the team[/b]: Translator and negotiator - Krista is well aware that Roanapur is one big massive conglomerate of differing nationalities and languages, and knows that a polyglot in such a location is often heavily sought after. She does not only work for the Nomad Company -- they don't always needs a translator, after all. [b]Vehicle[/b]: N/A. She does want a car, though. [b]Appearance[/b]: The most striking thing about Krista is that she is very tall, standing at 6 foot 1, with a slim, lean build and almost non-existent bust, with slender and long legs, and tattoos over her body. She wears her straight light ash-brown hair right down her back, and ties it up with in a ponytail. She has an oval face, with a narrow nose and small lips, with deep hazel eyes, her skin blemished by the occasional freckles and uneven tan-line. Her clothing changes wildly depending on whether or not she's doing business -- for work, she wears a black men's suit, with a loose black loose tie and grey trousers. While off the job, she wears incredibly light clothing, often loose t-shirt and shorts. As for her tattoos, they cover a fairly large amount of her body -- all over her torso, her arms, her back, and some on her neck. Most tattoos were inspired by a mix of Celtic design and fantasy mythology, and has a large dragon tattoo across her back.