((Site's finally back up! Welcome PaulTheWizard!)) "Ugh....mmm...hmm" grunted Eric as he lay on the ground, his eyes closed and body delightfully warm from napping in the sun. A familiar sound squeaked in front him and he felt a tongue on his forehead. "Not right now Shadow, I'm trying to rest, my body aches for some reason and I'm enjoying the sun". The purr-meow was issued again followed by a rubbing of fur on his face. "Heh, relax buddy, just lay down and enjoy the warmth of the su-...it's winter right now, why is it so warm?" He opened his eyes and saw that he was on a grassy hill, the sun smiling down from the clear blue sky with a distant cloud or two. "Ugh, alright buddy, let's see where we are" and he grunted as it strained his body to lift himself up...but upon reaching the full extent of his height something felt off...weird. A conflicting sensation as everything felt natural, but it didn't feel [i]right[/i] , he also felt shorter than usual .Yawning he reaches his arms out to stretch them behind his head, only to immediately be taken off balance, thrown into panic and back onto the ground, face first. "Ughuhhhhh, that didn't help at all" he mumbles, "What happened to arms?" looking in front of him he something white laying on either side, coming from behind his vision. "What in the hell?" Upon moving his "arms" to pick himself back up however, the white objects on either side move in tandem. Standing back up, a startled Eric looks down at his hands which are sprawled out in front of him and panics at the revelation. Underneath him, supporting him, were white legs, behind him were another pair of white legs with a rainbow colored patch of "hair" behind him, off to his left was Shadow, the grey cat looking at him expectingly as his tail waved back and forth slowly. "Wha- what the hell is going on!?" He exclaimed to himself. Upon looking at his surroundings he was indeed upon a grassy hill, with more around him with the occasional tree. there, off to his right however, was a small lake. He rushed towards it, running in a panicked hurry. Upon inspecting the watery reflection he almost lost all sensibility. Staring back at him was a white pony with a rainbow mane, his brown eyes frantic with worry. Looking behind him he found a a pair of wings that were spread out in a state that matched his demeanor and a tail in the same vibrant hues as his mane. "What is happening? What has happened to me!? It looks like I'm a pony, but that can't be! What's going on!?". Sitting on his haunches he was breathing rapidly in his confusion, which then developed into longer, more drawn out breaths. "Keep it together...if I'm in the MLP universe it can't be too bad right? I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation to shed some light on this situation." Off to his left was once again Shadow, this time lapping up water from the lake before looking back at his now ponified friend, concern on his face. "Movement came naturally when I came over here, so basic motor skills must be hardwired in...if that's true, then maybe these wings'll work properly?" He looked behind him as he tried to locate the bones and muscles that controlled his wings, an easy enough feat due to the blaring exhaustion from them being strained outward. But try as he may, he couldn't get them to obey, instead having them flap this way and that awkwardly. He sighed "This is going to take some getting used to", to which the cat replied with a purr-meow. [url=https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152282859424088&set=a.10152269224674088.1073741847.644814087&type=3&theater]My Character[/url]