Jacob was walking away from a bar not too far off from the Academy, whistling to himself, when he noticed a guy jump from a dumpster up onto a rooftop. His eyes narrowed and his heart started beating a bit faster as he wondered what the hell this guy was doing. Deciding to follow, he silently climbed onto the dumpster, pulling himself onto the rooftop with ease. Silently watching, he pondered what exactly this guy was planning to do, when the other man dropped off the rooftop. Apparently, he'd found what he was looking for. Carefully moving from one edge of the rooftop to the other, Jacob heard a sickening cracking sound ring out. It wasn't the distinct crack of a breaking bone, but it was definitely more than enough to tell him something bad was about to happen, if it hadn't already. He carefully peaked down to see the man he was following joined be multiple others, standing over a girl with a motorcycle helmet. Deciding not to intervene just yet as they carried the girl off, Jacob followed behind, making sure to hide himself well. Wouldn't do him any good to be caught now, would it? When they took the girl to an abandoned warehouse, a few unsavory memories returned to Jacob's mind. This was probably going to end badly, very badly. It was too organized to be a mugging or general thuggery. These people clearly planned this out beforehand. Soon enough, the girl got up, and said something to the dozen or so people surrounding her before producing a pair of telekinetic blades from her arms. Ah, so that's what this was. Human-on-Wanderer violence. Makes sense. He was about to stop it then, but the hulking leader took a seemingly impossible leap forward, seeming to disappear for a moment, and landed a powerful hook on the girl, sending her crumpling to the floor. Damn, what the hell was that? A perception trick? He had to be a Wanderer too if that's what it was, but Jacob could probably counter it then. At the very least, it wouldn't work on him, as his mind was powerful enough to keep him protected from all but the absolute strongest mental assaults. As the group started to pound on the girl, Jacob decided to still watch. He wanted to see how far they'd go with this, and he wasn't going to stop until he found out exactly what is was they wanted. Acting without proper intel had already cost him half his leg, his career, his friends, and the lives of three good soldiers. He wasn't going to make that mistake again. But all they wanted to do was kill her, it seemed. They called her 'mother.' What the hell did [i]that[/i] mean? Well, it didn't matter, now was the time to act. One of them was choking the girl, a disgusting gurgling sound coming from her throat. Just as he was about to move, a burst of darkish flame scorched the man's hand, making him drop the girl. This was the perfect time to reveal himself. Taking off his jacket and tossing it to the floor, Jacob coughed into his elbow. His dog tags swung freely from his neck as he cracked it, a smirk crossing his face. "I would recommend not doing that, unless you want to see what hell is actually like. Didn't yer momma teach ya to treat ladies with respect, or was she too busy workin' the corners?" He took a fighting stance and slowly started probing the minds of the people around him, to get an idea of how they'd attack. He was always a cheater when it came to fighting, but if your life or health was at risk, why not use everything you could to your advantage?