Aeron slowly skated towards the entrance, Ifanc floating behind him as he moved towards his destination. [i]"Come on, come on, we have to get there!"[/i] Aeron sighed, this outburst being far from the first from his spirit partner during their trip across the city. He whispered, feeling sightly stupid talking to the spirit that not everybody could see while in public. "It's just there. We're hardly late, either." The boy allowed his board to roll to a halt, jumping off once it came to a standstill and flipping it up with his foot before taking hold of it and walking into the crowd. As the screen turned on he looked up, gazing into it like everyone else around him. Little emotion was visible on his face but he was excited for the tournament and attempted to move through the crowd towards the front as it started moving, gently pushing past people, not out of manners but so as to lower the chances of someone complaining.