"Either leave or kill them quickly!" hissed Bastet, her voice still echoing around the warehouse after she vanished from where she had been standing. "It won't take much work to kill them, so we might as well." said the leader in an unnervingly blase manner. "Horus, stay here. The rest of you: go." One by one, the rest of the group vanished as Bastet had until only two were left. The air in the warehouse seemed to turn unnaturally still and the tension was palpable; it was as if one spark would set the whole place on fire. The leader propelled himself upwards and shot through the air effortlessly, colliding head-first with Dark's chest and knocking him backwards. He flew towards his opponent's rising body and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt, whirling around and throwing him as hard as he could into the ground. Without a moment's hesitation, he dropped down from twenty metres in the air and landed on Dark's stomach with one knee; the concentrated force was enough to make Dark sit up and enabled the leader to smash his knuckles cruelly into Dark's forehead, sending his head bouncing to the floor. Horus, a bored expression on his face, raised both of his hands in front of his face; two thick strands of ruby-red fire emerged from his hand and snaked around Jacob until they formed a massive and intricate web around him. Once Horus' fists closed, so did the flaming web.