[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA46Xe5Y8qk]Gamer Girl Syndrome[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF4pZm1gXpk]Gamer Guy Syndrome[/url] Ran into these two videos, both entertainingly bring up some points on this whole topic. I'm wondering what you people here think about the points they make? For me, I see what they're saying. Also if we as a community just calmed down and just let gamer's be gamer's, without judgement by sex/gender a lot of the issues would go away. But the issue is still going to be present as long: 1) It remains male dominant As long as it stays with way you will get girls faking it trying to get boys to like them in the same sense you see guys sometimes like about interest in women things to get girl attention. Now, the majority of guys go into 'girl' things purely because they enjoy it (same as Girls who go into 'guy' things like gaming), but the minority who exploit it for attention will still be there as long as a it remains a sex dominated culture. 2) There are still female representation issues in games This plays hand in hand with point 1. Without fair/equal representation the field will naturally appeal to more men than women, and reject more women then men. We need to make it equally open, fair and un-judging to both sexes. [quote=Turtlicious] Did you do that when I was banned? Because I was only banned for a couple f months and I don't remember you (Magnum) ever posting in spam. Except for that one time I was banned and you came into gloat and everyone laughed you out of it. [/quote] I never gloated about you being banned or anything. I think a decent amount of me testing it was when you were gone, but I didn't announce it was a test each time I was testing it. There were times I simply tried to start a conversation without saying what I was doing and spam would still shit all of it probably never realizing they were being given the chance to walk the talk.