Greg awakened in a room that didn't look familiar in many different ways. At first it wasn't apparent at first because he wasn't wide awake but I didn't take long for him to realize how different his situation was. "What..the..hell is this," said Greg feeling a little panicked. This room spelled different in so many different ways. First off the layout was completely different than his room and the most noticeable change was an instant one. Everything looked like something out of an anime. It wasn't just the room, it was more than that. The colors, the atmosphere, everything spelled anime. Greg was a huge anime fan was he knew what a anime style bedroom looked like. "What the hell is-," he said cutting himself off noticing another change that he didn't notice in the beginning. His voice was different. Greg originally has a deep voice but his voice was slightly higher and sounded completely different. He thought he may still be dreaming so he did what anyone would do in this situation, he pinched himself hard. Not only did he feel the pain, but he took another look around. This feeling he felt was the same as anything else, it felt real. Just by looking at what he saw now, most would think it was fake. It wasn't. Greg was a little panicky, but because of his laid back nature he was able to stay a little calm. He was in bed, sitting up, with the blanket still covering his lower half. He didn't want to get completely out of bed thinking that he could mysteriously return to his world if he stay put but ended that plan after he noticed another change after turning his head slightly. Something black ran down his shoulder and stopped at his breast. He grabbed some of it realizing what it was instantly. "Is this a wig?" he wondered looking around noticing a mirror above a dresser. He got out of the bed and walked to the mirror. Everything he touched from the bed to his feet touching the floor felt real. When he made it to the mirror he didn't recognize who was on the other side.