[b]One could for sure say that the interior was a more pleasant sight than the outside. Eryel had already figured it rather futile to attempt, but nonetheless it was worth a shot. "Do you by chance sell herbal tea?" He approached the bartender and sat on a barstool. Besides him was a woman he had traveled with, and she seemed to be in a hurry to get things done. Of course, doing something and getting paid for it was always better time spent than wasting it away at a barstool, but he just arrived in that human city. After having been cursed with the hideous constructions outside, the relatively cosy interior of the Inn wasn't something Eryel was in a hurry to leave behind. "If tea is uncommon in these parts, a cup of water will do." Eryel finished, placing a coin on counter. Soon after the gold hit the wood, Eryel noticed a patron digging into a meat pie. Now that was something he would enjoy. Producing another two coins, Eryel placed them alongside his first payment. "And a pie, please." He spoke. [/b]