Daniel almost jumped out of the bed as he woke up, breathing heavily he thought "Wow, now that was a really weird dream I got ther-". Before he could finish his sentence he noticed something awkward, the room he was in looked different, somehow it looked like... an Anime!? Something strange was going on for sure, he thought, but he didn't yet noticed the biggest change of all. "W-What is going on here?" he muttered as he noticed that his voice also changed, it sounded kind of, like a girls voice. A little bit scared about what he thought might happened he stood up and slowly looked down his body. He just discovered that he had breasts, not believing what he saw he went to the mirror. As he looked in the mirror, it wasn't his former self he saw there, but he saw a young Girl like one out of his Animes he used to watch sometimes, in the mirror. Daniel couldn't believe it, it can't be it can't! he told himself, but it seemed like it was true. He ended up in a world where everything looked like in an Anime and he just swapped Gender. (#Achievement get: [i]Boobiiies![/i])