[hider=Simone] Name: Simone Mustang Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Weapon Appearance: Human form: [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/129/4/0/homestuck___dave_strider_by_laweyd-d64ofhf.png[/img] Weapon form: [img]http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-new-thumbnail/ds-photo/59/46/fotolia_141643_XS.jpg[/img] Abilites: When in spear form, Simon is able to be thrown by Gertrud and has the ability to follow a target until he connects with them. He is extremely agile, and doesn't miss often. He can also increase and decrease how fast he is when following a target. This is the only real special ability while in spear form. The Resonance of Souls with Gertrud alongs Simon to become a extendable spear, which can increase and decrease in side at will. He also becomes double-headed, along a spear head at either end of the weapon for Gertrud to use. He is extremely flexible in this form, and can even wrap himself around some targets. Biography: Simone met Gertrud at a young age, the two of them quickly becoming good friends. Despite being a well-off family, Simone was often abused by his father, which he hid from most of the world, and attempted to hide under a easy going demeanor. Simone has never taken life seriously, and believes those that take it seriously don't know how to have fun. Simone and Gertrud butt heads a lot when their opinions differ, Simone being the more bull headed one. When Simone was 15, he disappeared from his hometown, leaving his family and Gertrud behind. Only recently, he has returned, and accepted an invitation to the DWMA along with Gertrud, speaking nothing of his two year disappearance. Personality: Simone is loud and verbose. He is obsessed with being cool, which manifests itself in his unceasing pursuit of new ironic depths. He's the perfect party animal, and loves being around people. He can get quite annoying sometimes, and often doesn't know when to shut up. He like's playing the role of class clown in order gain attention. Gertrud often corrals his behavior, and stops him from doing particularly stupid things. Simone is the quintessential ID dominated personality-type, and is often out of touch with the reality of situations. However, sometimes, Simone can gain a very serious demeanor, and handles thing with a degree of maturity. This shows that under all the antics and bravado, that a layer of maturity exists. Likes: People, talking, parties, games. Dislikes: Being alone, working, fighting. [/hider] Would it be alright if I was the weapon of my friend? They should be posting their bio fairly shortly.