"Kazuki! Kazuki wake up! Come on! You promised we'd go out today! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Rosalinda said happily as she beat him with her own soft fluffy pillow, smiling at him as his eyes slowly opened up. "Good evening Kazuki! I'm so glad your awake! Come on, get dressed! Today's the day that I finally go out into the world again! Today's the day! Today's the day!" She yelled happily, practically bouncing in her lilac and hot pink boots while her breasts jiggled a bit in her almost flimsy dress. She had made breakfast for dinner that day for him, and it smelled like a wonderful restaurant that made your mouth water, while she had also set out his clothes and cleaned up the house. She had been working on going back into society after the day she had met him and saved his life, Kazuki correcting her on everything she needed to know, and today was the day she had been preparing for. She gleefully went to the window, the dead rose's becoming live again from the pure excitement that she felt at that exact moment. She turned to face him, hands behind her back while she rocked on the balls of her feet. "So, what're we going to do today?! Are we going to go shopping?! Go to a restaurant?! Maybe go to a library!? There's so many things we could do Kazuki! We have to do them all! Please Kazuki! Please!" Rosalinda begged, giving him the cutest little puppy dog face ever and hoping that this time it worked. - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ Angelina eyes slowly opened as she felt someone stir beside her, looking to her right to see her Garret, his arms wrapped tightly around her as he always did in a protective way. She lightly kissed the tip of his nose, wrapping her arms around his own waist and smiling as he himself woke up. "Good evening Garret. Did you sleep well? I hope I didn't disturb you from a good dream with me being such a night owl!" She said warmly, grinning at him as they laid there together in her bed. "ANGELINA LYNNE GONZALES! YOU GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Her mother Sarah screamed, making Angelina roll her eyes and slowly sit up, slipping on her slippers before wrapping her robe as tight as she could around her big breast and shapely waist. She yawned like that of a sleepy little girl, opening her door before heading downstairs. Angelina saw her father sitting in her arm chair with his arms crossed while her mother was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs, grabbing her ear and dragging her towards the couch before she sat her down. "You slept with Garret, didn't you?! Your father checked his room and he wasn't there! You know your not married to him and yet you still sleep with him whenever you can! What is going on with you?!" Sarah asked angrily, her father sitting there silently but looking just as angry as her mother. "I'm not a little girl any more mother! I'm twenty one years old, an adult woman practically! It's not fair, and you know it's not! You've never liked Garret! But yet you'd have me sleeping with another man who was rich if you could! Now I want my key back and I want you out of my house! Now!" Angelina yelled angrily back at her mother, her mother and father looking offended as they handed over the key and walked outside, getting the door slammed violently in their face. Angelina stormed upstairs, plopping back down on her bed and letting out a groan as she covered her face with her delicate and soft hands. "Garret....... Why can't I just once have normal parents? Why? Did I do something to deserve this? Is karma getting me back for my childhood? Could it be that?" She asked him, groaning again as she turned on her side to face away from him, thinking angrily about her parents behavior that she'd have to deal with later. _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - Eris stayed quiet as she listened to the people talking outside of her window, hearing them talk about dolls as if they were evil things, and in her case she was evil. She held in the urge to cause a small earthquake that would swallow the two men up whole, knowing Nina would worry about her if she were to fall ill again. She remembered the last time she had used her powers, causing an earthquake that spread through 25 miles and almost destroyed Nina's families house, having stopped it a mile before it had gotten there. She sighed, flopping back on her bed and starring up at the ceiling. She hated being hidden, she wanted to go out and see the world. But she knew that Nina wouldn't allow it, the both of them knowing fully well what would happen if Eris lost her temper. Eris slowly took a deep breath in and let it out even slower, closing her eyes and trying to calm herself down. But those men started to talk about Nina, and they weren't saying nice things about her and her family, knowing that they had taken this conversation too far. She created a low rumbling under their feet, causing them to cry out in panic and flee in terror. She smiled before she gripped her stomach tightly and felt like she was going to throw up, laying on the bed and curling up into a ball. If Nina saw her like this she'd start to worry, and NO one needed that. So she prayed that she wouldn't walk into her room, hearing footsteps coming up the stairs and cursing herself for thinking prayers would ever work for her. When Nina came in she smiled weakly and deviously up at her, feeling Nina start to pull her up which her body obediently agreed. "What? When did you decide this? Have you been planning this without me?! You know how I feel when people plan devious things without me!" She said, pouting a bit as she stared into Nina's eyes. /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ Crystal slowly opened her eyes, remembering Icarus asking if he could sleep with her that night so he could watch over her while she slept. She looked down at him, smiling as she saw him fast asleep. Although he was just an inch shorter than her, she still thought he was the cutest little thing ever! She kissed his forehead and smiled softly, a slight blush on her cheeks as she got up out if bed, trying not to disturb him as she went down the stairs of their house and got to the kitchen to make him a surprise meal. She quickly made some pancake batter, with the egg shells mixed in, and it looked more like oatmeal but she didn't much really know what pancake batter looked like so she thought that this was normal. Crystal got out a large pan and poured the pancake batter on it, turning on the stove which instantly set the pan cakes I'm fire. She screamed at the top of her lungs, falling onto her bum and crawling back into the corner of the kitchen where she watched the buttered pan catch on fire after the pancakes turned to ash. "Icarus....... Help........" Was all she could murmur as she closed her eyes, shaking with fear as she smelled the smoke that soon filled the whole entire house and almost made her pass out. \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ "Hey beautiful, what do you think your doing?!" The Doll asked, Maya smiling sadistically at him, taking out one of her gold and pearl nail guns that were specially designed to fire nails at speeds that outdid most dolls do they couldn't dodge. "You touched my ass doll, and even though your handsome, your still gonna pay. After all, you're a doll, I'm a doll hunter! It just doesn't work out, you see?!" She asked him before firing a nail at his hand, pinning it against the wall while watching him quickly pull it out. "You think I'm so easy to kill, don't you!? Well your wrong girly! So think again!" He said before sending a punch at her, being a little slow from losing some blood so she easily dodged it and fired a nail into his chest, but it didn't get him in the heart. "Dammit!" Maya murmured angrily as the doll managed to land a blow on her, sending her flying into the brick wall of the established pub they had just come out of. She now grinned deviously at him, wiping the blood from her mouth and standing up. "You think I'm so easy to kill, don't you? Well your wrong Boyo! So think again!" She said before sending three nails into his heart, killing him almost instantly. When he fell she saw someone watching her from the shadows, her eyes looking at the person curiously while she raised one of her silver brows in question. "Oy, you over there! Get over here right now! Or else I'm not afraid to kick your ass vigorously!" She said angrily, tucking a strand of her silver hair behind her ear, her skin, green eyes, and pale skin seeming to glow in the light of the fast fading day. Maya knew the cops would take care of the dead doll, so she didn't need to worry about the clean up. She tapped her foot impatiently as the male walked over to her, her mouth dropping down in shock. She rushed over to him and squeezed him tight, her large and shapely body pressed against his own. "Vander, darling, sweetheart! How are you?! It's been ages since I saw your hot gorgeous face and that perfect body of yours!" She said with a wink to him, laughing a bit as she smiled gleefully at him while she waited for him to speak. -_ /\ _- \/ -_ /\ _- \/ -_ /\ _- \/ -_ /\ _- \/ -_ /\ _- \/ -_ /\ _- \/ -_ /\ _- \/ -_ /\ _- \/ -_ /\ _-