[b]Icarus[/b] Icarus was dreaming sweet dreams about his beloved master, Crystal. She was truly a joy to be around. Her very presence made his heart beat faster. Right now in his dreams, the two of them were cuddling up in bed, a raging blizzard outside. For some reason, Icarus felt that cuddling just seemed more...cuddly...when it was cold outside. However his sweet dreams were shattered by the sound of his master. Jumping out of bed, he once again heard the sound of his master's voice "[i]Icarus....... Help........[/i]" Homing in on the feather that she carried, Icarus teleported to her location; the kitchen. Icarus could immediately tell what the problem was, all the smoke "master!" he cried out in fear as he scooped Crystal up. Dropping a feather behind him, he ran out of the house with her. Once they were once again surrounded by fresh air, Icarus gently put her down before teleporting back to the kitchen. Picking up the feather in there, he began to look for the source of the smoke; a frying pan with some strange, toxic looking sub-oh wait...his master was trying to cook wasn't she? That would explain what happened. Grabbing the pan, he flew out of the house and into the air, where he tossed the contents of the pan out. Then taking the feather from before, he threw it at the goop and it exploded, scattering the foul concoction. That done, he returned to the house to open up all the windows to air it out. His work done, he returned to his master to make sure she was okay "master! Master! Are you okay, please speak to me"