Dasmira had just been sipping away at her ale and munching on a loaf of bread when the smell drifted into her nostrils. Her back straightened and her mind whirred – a fire! The first thought that crossed her mind was her loot and she darted halfway across the room, towards the stairs, before a stampede of people poured down them. Elbows and knees collided with stomachs and guts; it was chaos and Dasmira was trying to catch her breath desperately, anxiety infesting her heart like a parasite. Her precious gold, her beautiful gold! The blonde backed against the wall, putting room between herself and everyone else. It was when everything was calmed that it was announced that only a room had caught ablaze – it was not her room. Dasmira Oratonis sighed in relief. Shouldering her bags, Dasmira debated if she should leave for Valuun Keep now or wait it out. Many had been talking that morning of adventurers planning to venture to Valuun Keep. The thief couldn’t decide if this was good or not; this would mean sharing gold with others, but they could be a shield for the dangers that lurked in the dark. So, when someone mentioned death to all that goes alone, Dasmira was quick to gravitate towards the center of the attention. She listened with rapt attention and was about to offer her assistance when he left without a word. However, when one door closes, another opens. A half-elf spoke up, agreeing with the mysterious man and she took a hesitant step towards him, the familiar mask slipping across her face. “I am…also leaving for the Keep.” She brought about hesitantly. “My strongest value is the mind, however, and not the body. I’m afraid I-I might die if I go alone. If you, or anyone, were willing to protect me, I’d offer my services in any way possible.” A timid, hopeful smile flickered across Dasmira’s face as she prayed that they’d fall into her trap, but she had no reason to worry. They always ended up twined her thread.