Richard said a string of very colorful curse words as his truck careened off the road. The way was blocked, and they were under attack. It had happened so fast... He quickly snatched up his pistol, taking aim from the window and trying to get ready to shoot. Meanwhile, Jinny made herself a very small target, getting down as low as she could. Josh's pistol was heavy in her hands. An arrow whizzed through the air and nailed one guy right in the chest. The next guy fell over his dead friend. But there were still more. Jinny knew she had to stay hidden, but Josh was outnumbered. She had to do something to help. She sat up very slightly, holding the pistol in both small hands. She took careful aim at one of the attackers behind them, who had a nail studded bat. Her father's voice spoke in her ears. Aim. Exhale. Squeeze. The gun went off, sending a harsh tingle through her hands, and then arms. The man she'd aimed at was clutching his stomach and trying to control the growing bloodstain on his shirt.