Lena stood at the edge of the crowd, she was not one to show off though she did want to with all the weapons like her displaying their forms and abilities to the Meisters, for now she was content to watch though because she knew that when the right person to be her Meister came she would feel it. She was not one to be shy, in fact she had already introduced herself to a few of the other weapons and meisters and was even approached by a few meisters but she had not met one person that she seemed to connect with, something she had found to be important while in her weapon form because of her nature, Lean was the Diamond Cannon, her weapon form taking shape of a massive artillery cannon, she needed to find someone who would be compatible with her soul because of the weight of her, if they could no resonate then her meister would have no chance of even picking her up. Slowly she moved her way around the edge of the crowd, closer to a meister and weapon who seemed to have already paired up, the meister was a girl with black curly hair and dressed very sharply in suit with a collared shirt, it was what Lena over heard her saying that disturbed her, the meister showing impatiens with the event going on before her. "Um... uh excuse me?" Lena interrupted the black haired girl, "I happened to over hear you and I got the impression that you do no understand the importance or meaning to all the new students meeting in front of the school like this, see everyone gets to socialize and know each other, if weapons and Meisters just got assigned to each other then the process would be impersonal and there is no way of telling if the two can work together without them first talking, you cannot tell me that you do not have some kind of connection with your weapon. Oh I am Lena Dragic by the way, sorry for butting in like that."