The last light of day flitted in through the window, shinning peacefully on the sleeping forms of Garret and his master, Angelina. Though the former lying awake and had been so for about an hour or so before Angelina began to stir. The doll merely answered his master with a smile as she indulged in their embrace. But alas, it would not last as shouting from downstairs reverberated into the small room, daring Angelina to challenge the shrill, reprimanding voice of her own mother. Garret sighed and disappeared into thin air, becoming incorporeal as his master dealt with her parents. He couldn't help but overhear the shouting match downstairs as his master defended her choices from her somewhat over-bearing parents. The doll winced as the door slammed shut, the loud bang echoing with finality. Angelina stomped back into the room, not even noticing his apparent absence as she asked, what Garret could only assume was a rhetorical question. Though clearly he wasn't meant to answer, the doll couldn't help but play the angel on her shoulder. "Did you have to be so short with them? They are your parents after all, and they only want what's best for you. Besides they do raise a few good points. Chief among them being, why is it that I have my own room when you insist on bringing me to your bed?" The doll wasn't as fond of that as his master clearly was. He was a knight for pity's sake, not some stuffed toy to cuddle! Though it would be a lie if he said it wasn't enjoyable....... Garret cast aside that thought immediately, she was his master, his charge, his means to protect the innocent people of this city. Still, there was something to be said about how warm her embrace is....... The doll cast aside that line of thought faster then the first, instead deciding to ask a question of his own. "Night falls Master, and I would like to patrol, will you accompany me this night?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kazuki slowly awoke with a groan, exhausted from not only his lack of sleep but the sheer amount of energy he was forced to use in order to ensure the woman beating him with a pillow actually behaved herself. In fact the reason he was sleeping was that he had been up all night and most of the day studying for his exam tomorrow. The young man's bleary eyes glanced at the glowing red numbers on his clock. "7:00 PM? Why didn't you just let me sleep until morning?" He had only been asleep about 2 hours and now Rosalinda wanted to go somewhere? "We can't do anything tonight, I need sleep. Maybe tomorrow after my exam." His response was deadpan, or as deadpan as it could be whilst half-asleep and hoping like hell this was a nightmare. That was until his nose caught up with his brain, the dancing aroma of wonderful food causing his stomach to growl quite audibly. Kazuki's eyes opened again as he gave the doll a inquisitive look. "What smells so good?"