Welcome beast, and mortals alike. My name is Tor, the grand Druid of Abian. I can cast magics as far as the eye can see, and slam my foes into the ground with my deadly dwarven mace. Sorry, I know I'm not cool and all. My name is Thomas, or Tom if you like. After a break of writing, and overall not doing anything, I've wanted to come back to my roots. Roleplaying. I've been doing the whole writing thing for, well, I don't know, ever since I can remember. I'm going to a fine arts academy for writing! To give some background on my writing and what I've done (you've never heard of me since I don't publish my crap). I've written one full novella (restarted and editing it now), and I have two full novels on the way! It doesn't seem like much but they have been what I've been busting my ass on for the past year. Anyways, enough about me. Here is what I like to do. - Fantasy - Post- Apocalypse - Realistic Fiction Those are the genres at least. I don't do fandoms and such because I hate stealing others works. Even if its with original characters and such I still get a bad taste in my mouth and I just see it as lazy story telling. I consider myself an advanced writer and expect that out of the people I write with. So to be blunt, no one liners. No sending just one paragraph. I love getting into the characters and their interactions with the people. Also, please for the love of god check your writing. Grammar is okay for I'm not that good at it, but if you mix up to, too, and two and don't fix it, well, don't bother. Thank you for checking this out! I hope to get to know the lovely faces on the site, and make some new writing pals. I would also like to thank you, may your mind be strong, and your sword arm stronger.