Clayton sat on a bench as he watched many people with tags strapped to their shirts walk by, and for every single one that passed by, he slowly analyzed each and every one of them, trying to get a feel for their personality based on their overall appearance, how they walked, how they talked, and how they wore their tags, some wearing them proudly and tightly, to where it would take effort to remove, or lazily with it barely hanging on. While it might sound impressive, he really didn't accomplish anything at all doing it. In fact, a lot of people looked at him funny, sitting there on a bench leaning as far out as possible and staring at people, almost completely unblinking. He sighed a bit as he leaned back against the bench, seemed like analyzing people wasn't something that he was good at...yet. Quickly taking out a pen and a small notepad from god-knows-where he quickly scribbled something down, in his chicken scratch handwriting. Flipping the pen around between his fingers, he continued to look at the various passerbys, this time in a much less odd way, more like a sane person. Adjusting his own MEISTER pin, he began tapping his left leg up and down on the ground in a slow, soft motion that barely created any noise. He was getting a bit impatient...After all, there had to be SOMEONE out there who could be wielded by him. [b]"...Wonder how Alice is doing..."[/b]