[quote=Mizos] Fair enough I believe I can do that. I'll be putting up a profile in a bit. I'm immensely interested in how combat's going to work and the antagonist. If Persons will exist or whatever, even more so how they're summoned. Not hating this setting either, I'm looking forward to this. Oh one question though, when it says combat style do you mean how they fight regularly, for example if someone walked up to him and punched them in the face how would they retaliate. A strange example but what I mean is how they personally fight, I may be over thinking it and if so that's alright. I can still make my character sheet but I'm going off that it's personal, if it's not I'll have to change that part. [/quote] Glad to hear you're still interested. To answer your question; the combat style basically means how they fight humans and ____'s (not revealing the name yet) alike, as there's bound to be some simularities. In an example of Persona; you could say that Junpei's style involves slow but powerful hits and Yukari's involves staying at a distance and fighting with the bow. It's somewhat hard to explain, so I'll leave it up to you to decide what's best for your character.