It had been one hundred forty four days since he arrived. That's how Kirk managed to keep himself sane; counting each day. It has been oddly peaceful since he arrived. Sure, there was talk of war and battle, death and destruction, but none of it came his way, and he was sure not to head in it's direction. It was certainly a change in pace, one that he wasn't entirely sure that he liked. His sword arm was getting flabby, and he could feel himself slipping away without any distractions. Occasionally he would stumble upon a fool who would try to shake him down for money, using everything from knives to things called "Guns", but even if they had the first blow it did little against his armor or himself. He relished to times where he could draw blood and drain humanity from his foes, just like in Lordran. He wondered how the Fair Lady was handling herself. No doubt still in pain... He must return, soon. For her. That is why he still breaths, she is what he lived for. So he could not die now, to turn hollow. Kirk trudged onwards, through the dust and storm to reach his ultimate destination. Civilization was an odd thing to Kirk. The closest thing he could imagine as a town, as far as his memories would go, was Blightown. And it was not a pleasant place. But here, Buje, it was like the rest of the world. Peaceful. He won't be staying for long, that's for certain. But perhaps he could find himself a Bond Fire. Even should he die, if he could come back to a Bond Fire he could always fight again. But he had only found one during his entire stay here in this world, and it was many continents away. He would go mad trying to get back here. But perhaps this city of Buje would have what he was looking for. Or someone might know, at least. He walked into the town, a cloaked figure like many others. He had learned quickly that those dressed in covering robes were likely outsiders like him, and he had no reason to bother them. No, he needed to find natives, locals, people who lived in the area and knew it well. Or at least better than him. He moved through the town looking for the ever familiar flames, but found nothing of the sort. He did, however, find a place that might. Forever Standing, it was called. Walking into the building, he could tell what the establishment was. The room was ripe with the stench of bitches, and the ale served only to strength the scent. Not his sort of place, since as an Undead he was sterile, but he was certain many of the locals would gather here. And with the alcohol, maybe they would be willing to talk. Even if he has to make them bleed. Walking over to the bar, he took a seat and waited for the barkeep. When he arrived, Kirk dismissed his questions about food and instead asked him about "Bond Fires". [b]"They look like fireplaces, but with an old, rusted sword sticking out from them. Have you seen any?"[/b]