[b] PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IF YOU'RE INTERESTED, PM ME. I FORGET TO CHECK THIS THREAD, BUT I CHECK MY PRIVATE MESSAGES SEVERAL TIMES A DAY [/B] [url=https://charahub.com/character/197864/Lozen]Lozen[/url] needs to come out to play. Or [url=https://charahub.com/character/50500/Cridan]Cridan[/url]. Or a number of [url=https://charahub.com/user/Lozen]other characters[/url] that I just haven't exercised (or exorcised as the case may be) for far too long. Advanced games preferred. I like sci fi games, apocalyptic/post apoc, vampires, faeries (the laurell k hamilton ilk, not the flitty tinkerbell sort), soldiers and assassins. Really anything along those lines, typically with romantic elements, but that bit is never assured. I need long, coherent posts, story driven sexy games with people who are somewhat linguaphiliacs. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation don't have to be spot on, but one has to try. If you like tandem story control, being able to toss plot twists into a game, and enjoy having a partner who can and will take control in their posts as well, give me a try. I don't like games where one person has to lead the story the whole time; that gets boring on one end and stressful on the other! I do write long posts some of the time, and though I don't need a novel with every single post, I need someone who can keep up and who writes because they love it. Sending a message with 3 or more paragraphs and getting 2 sentences back just makes me frown, not because of your skill level but because it's hard for me to get into another person's character if that's all I'm given to go on. My posts can and do get shorter, down to a paragraph or two a post, and I can work with that if they're good paragraphs. :) I am willing to offer up a sample of my writing skills and it's probably good if you do the same to see if we mesh <3 So if you're looking for somewhat dark games filled with magic, blood, rust, androids, various illicit and illegal activities, and whatever else our heart desires, you're talking to the right girl. My characters are flexible as are the worlds around them. I can accommodate a lot of things so long as you can do the same! EDIT: I do not care if you are, in real life, male or female. It's not my business. I'm a woman irl, I prefer playing female characters who are paired up with male characters. Your real life gender is irrelevant and not something I'll ever ask you. EDIT 2 : I don't like underage characters and unless I'm playing someone who's in high school myself, I prefer all characters to be above the age of 21 at the very least. Sorry I just can't get into a game with a child character, especially with the subject matter that I like to play. Thanks for your understanding. This, by the way, includes the excuse of "well he looks 12 but he's really 300". They need to look like adults. Sorry!