[b][u]In The Ward[/u][/b] Davin woke up feeling about the same as usual since being admitted to the hospital: Shitty. He'd been caught in a traffic accident yesterday, luckily nobody sustained serious or fatal injuries, but Davin had gotten the worst of it. Besides his left arm, right wrist, and right foot being broken, he was mostly concerned about the fact that he'd be out for a couple of days, and wouldn't be able to help his grandpa out at the store for a while. Sighing a bit as he slouched forward a bit on his bed, he felt a sharp pain in his wrist and slowly reclined back again, wincing with nearly every motion. He sat there blankly staring at the ceiling for about an hour before he heard footsteps coming down the hall, and hearing the door click open as his little brother walked in by himself. His mood brightened up quite a bit as he propped himself up enough to not hurt before saying: [b]"Hey Tommy, everything alright at home?"[/b] His brother seemed a bit sad, probably because he had a bad record with hospitals, but eventually he looked Davin in the eye and said: "Everything's fine, mom and dad are downstairs, trying to see when you're getting out. They should be up in a bit...oh! And this lady told me to give this to you...said it was important or something." As Tom placed the envelope on Davin's lap, some urge in him made him want to open it right away, but he decided that'd be best after seeing his parents. Placing it behind his pillow, he waited with Tom for them to get there. The visit was short, but it was nice to see that they cared at least, he'd convinced Tom to help their grandpa out at the store if he could, and asked his parents to pick up any school work he'd missed...better to catch up while he could. Almost immediately after they left the room, he reached behind his pillow for the envelope, the small, white paper sleeve held only a small folded note. Opening it, he only found the words "Do you accept the Calling?" written on it. Sighing a bit at getting excited over the pathetic message, he tossed it in the trash bin beside his bed, after which he conked out. [b][u]The Chase[/u][/b] A forest? No, more like...a sea of black masses that looked like trees were all he could see. He saw some small figure...he couldn't make out any features, there was no color, no definition, no depth to anything, it was as if it were just a black silhouette running along the equally dark backdrop. The only thing he noticed about the figure was that it was very small, almost like a child, and...there was something red blotting its mouth. Blood? Maybe. Whatever the case, the small figure continued to run, long hair flowing behind it. Looking back...somehow...he could make out more figures, more human-like than the trees, yet seemingly more...menacing. They were brandishing things that vaguely resembled weapons...were they after the small figure? He wanted to help it run, to get away, what did the little thing do to deserve them chasing it? Maybe it had something to with the blood...but it was all just a dream, right? Eventually the child tripped, and the figures came upon it quickly. Before they could swing once with their weapons, the background faded to white and all the figures excluding the child were wiped away, black smoke remained where they stood as he heard the child cry. And then... what looked like a group of robed figures appeared...one extended a hand to the crying child and then...it all faded to white. He was standing alone in the forest where the child had ran, there were now red footsteps lining the ground. He followed them briefly before coming upon what looked like... a small girl. She extended her hand out to Davin before saying: "Do you accept the calling?". Davin, honestly wanting to wake up from whatever sort of nightmare this was, simply nodded and took her hand and then...he opened his eyes. [b][u]The Unfamiliar Room[/b][/u] Davin awoke in a much better mood than usual, his bed felt softer than ever...in fact it felt a hell of a lot warmer and more comfortable compared to the hospital bed...wait a second. He wasn't in the hospital at all... Quickly darting upwards from sleeping, his vision was met with rather long, unkempt blonde hair blocking his sight. He scratched his head in disbelief as he found the longer part of the blonde hair brushing past the back of his neck as he scratched. It wasn't just that he wasn't in the hospital, he didn't seem to be anywhere he recalled...the room seemed rather gloomy, dark wooden furniture lining the walls, a dresser at the front staring back at him as he rose from the bed. Darting over to the mirror, he realized two things. One: his injuries were either completely healed, or were never there to begin with. Two: He wasn't himself anymore. His normal short-cut brown was replaced by some pretty long, yet extremely straight blonde hair. His green eyes were now much larger than before, and were a deep shade of crimson. Also he was either a girl, or a DAMN pretty man now. Fully convinced that he had to be dreaming, he tried pinching his cheek and pulling on it, but nope, still here. Of course, what really caught his eye was what was behind his mouth, where his canines where, where NORMAL, canines were, there were two much larger, much smaller fang-like teeth sticking out. His eyes widened as he saw them retract into his mouth again, at least he seemed to have control over them.