Fresh rays of warm light streamed through the dusty windowsill onto Leon's face. His eyes slowly flickered open. The previous night had helped raise his dwindling morale. He met some new faces that would help his excursion into the keep and more importantly woke up with a full belly. He rose from the bed, mentally preparing himself for the journey. He knew that many died but he hardly cared- maybe he thought he wouldn't die, or maybe he just didn't care whether he lived or died. He placed his sword on his hip and threw the dark green cloak over himself. He opened the door into the hallway. He caught the distinct smell of something burning. He caught the inn-keeper and several workers frenetically working to extinguish the small blaze. Leon was about to step into help, but he figured he couldn't do much to help, considering that there were already several men working to douse the flames. It appeared they would have it under control. He headed down the stairs. There was a bit of a fuss regarding the fire, but besides that things were fine. Leon took a seat. For now he was contenting with waiting for those he met the night before. Soon after a man emerged from the stairwell- Leon assumed the fire had been taken care of, since he didn't seem panicked. The man walked into the center of the common room, and made a small speech. Leon was surprised- he wasn't sure what would have prompted the man to speak before the entire room. Leon was certain the man knew more then he let in, but before Leon could stop him he was already out the door. Another man spoke up, an elf. He stated that he was going to the keep. Leon stood up, "A few of the folks here and me already made plans to go to the keep. I am sure they wouldn't mind if I asked you to come along, any help is appreciated." Leon looked around for the people he met last night, hoping they would be ready to go.