I hope this okay. Name: Mizuko Usagi Age: 17 Gender/Sex: Female for both Height: 5'5" Weight: 123ibs Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Foam Green Blood Type: O Type In Depth Physical Description: [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/176/e/9/human_feferi_by_darkangelofmuzic-d54tldc.png[/img] Personality: Mizuko is a hyper and happy-go-lucky girl, who always sees the best in people. She is friendly, relaxed and cheerful, many would say she a good person to confide in, but she is forgetful and overly blunt at times. She is rash and charge into things head first without a plan, she might seem as a hyperactive idiot, but she smarter than she acts, she understands people keenly, and she has eye for fine details, and when she remembers something she can remember every little things about people. But be warned, she is very scary when angered, she is willing to use violence. And it's hard to calm her back down after being violent. She also terrible at house work and is not the smartest when it comes to school work, but she good at many other things, she in really good shape, being a good swimmer. But she has bad eyesight without her glasses and she tends to need new one every often due to her recklessness and love of sports. Origins: Japanese-European History/Bio: Mizuko was born though an arrange marriage, her European father owns a fishing company, while her mother owns a restaurant chain. The planned wedding was made by her grandfather on her dad side and her grand mother on her mom side. They wanted the reunion to happen so both companies can benefit each other, it happens that both Mizuko's parents were adamant about getting forced into marriage, but agreed since otherwise they wouldn't get to own it due to multiple older siblings. During the early parts of the marriage they hated each other guts but they learn to endure each other since both were busy with the new joint companies. But soon enough they spend time with each other and grew to like the other. After seven-year of marriage they finally had an heir to the joint company, Mizuko. Her name was Japanese because they thought a Japanese name would roll better to the Japanese public. Even from a young age she had a love for water and gardening she would go to the pool and swim for hours and she would have her own little garden. She was often taken care of by maids and baby sitters, but her parents did spend time with her as much as possible. Her mother was around less than her father, Mizuko is a real daddies girl, becoming sad when he has to leave for work, she loved her mother but the two often get into arguments about her having to learn stuff she didn't care about. She only really care to learn her parents tongue and some practical skills but she didn't want to own a business, she wants to be a Doctor or veterinarian. It got so bad that Mizuko's father had to intervene and calm both of them down, the two finally agreed that if they can't find a proper heir when she reaches her eighteen birthday she will own the family business. The reason Mizuko is afraid of owning both businesses is when she reaches eighteen is that she will have to fly back and forth between The States and Japan, and she hates flying on plains. And while the businesses are big, they aren't huge and she knows full well that she won't have any official powers over them until her parents retire or die, but she still scared of the fact that she might be forced into this life. But until then she will go a normal high school year at Shirasagi High, she is very worried about her next birthday. But will not dwell on it. Combat Style: Brutally strong and slow. She uses either an axe or chainsaw or even a trident if she finds one. Extra Information: She loves the colours Pink and Blue. She can speak Japanese and English and is currently learning Chinese and Russian. Her father company is much bigger in America than japan the reverse is true for her mother food chain.