Jack kept searching all over the ship for Allen, but to his dismay the gunfight and the loud voices had stopped, once again leaving him clueless as to where he is. To make matters worse, some leaks in the spaceship opened up more, steadily rising the water levels which were now at his knees, hindering his already slow movements. He let out a curse for the unfortunate turn of events. "What could go worse now, except for me drowning?" he thought, trying to be sarcastic. But he soon figured that he shouldn't count his chickens before they hatch. Still wandering the labyrinthine passageways, Jack suddenly heard something crawling around, but he couldn't spot anything around, all the more with his vision blurred from the blood that dropped in his eye. He approached carefully, not knowing what awaited him. Suddenly, something grabbed him and pushed him to the bottom of the water, trying to suffocate him.Inside the water, Jack could see a large arm holding him down. He tried to touch the hand so it could explode, something that didn't work, because of his ignorance that his powers work only on inorganic objects. With little time left to breathe, Jack quickly fetched a metal shard, ignited it and pierced the arm, causing it to explode afterwards. Quickly emerging from the water, Jack saw two [url=https://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/dx20061110_choker.jpg]humanoid creatures[/url] with streching arms with some kind of spikes on the inside of their palms quickly moving on the ceiling of the spaceship. He also noticed that his chest was pierced fronm those spikes, but it wasn't deep enough, probably thanks to the water's resistance. "Crap, I am in no good condition to fight, much less with two opponents with much greater mobility, while I am hindered by water...Besides, why are they looking like humans, when the Vitus do not resemble the human race at a..." His thought was interrupted by another long-ranged attack that slammed him in a nearby wall. Barely standing, Jack said: "Vision blurry...water rising...fast...Have to...end this...quickly...and find...the other fellow..." Then he picked metal shards from his pockets, ready to engage the creatures in combat.