[i]"Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! I can't wait!! All of the players should be situated and ready to begin the Survival Game! All thanks to my awesome work!" MurMur exclaims as she sat down on the floor, holding a bucket of popcorn as the visuals of all of the Players were shown. It was like there was a "screen" to display every single Player and what they were doing all at the same time. "This Game, it's hard to determine on who would be our favorites..." Deus spoke, seeing as there was many of the Players that would be interesting to watch from the Cathedral of Time and Space. It was finally time to start this Survival Game, and determine it's victor...[/i] ---- "Thank you, I appreciate it," Hana nodded and left the small grocery shop. Ever since she had been living on her own, it was hard for her to actually get actual meals. Yet, she still figures out ways to keep herself sustained with food. She stuffed the plastic bag of apples and pears into her large purse, silently treading her way through the crowded downtown of New York City. For today, she decided to walk around, be outside a lot more for a long while. Only because of the Survival Game, going outside might get her close to a Future Diary user, a Player. It all depended if her Future Diary tells her anything, but she wasn't sure on how much it could tell from just lies. "Soon enough...I could get to Central Park," Hana mutters to herself, gently pushing her way through the crowds. Just hopefully she could run into someone who is a Player, but until then, she still wasn't sure on what to do when she does...