"Who the fu--" Before Dark could finish his question he's sent flying into the air. Gasping, he's suddenly hurtling towards the ground he lands and lets out a groan then a scream and spits up blood as the man digs his knee into him. Receiving the blow to his head, he begins to fade in and out of consciousness, he lets out a grin as he looks up at his attacker all three of them, swirling around him. "Is......that.....all?" Dark lets out a chuckle. "B....Because you're in trouble if that, look up in the sky." Multiple streams of flame burst into the night sky, as Dark had planned on summoning the Guardians and they replied back with their own signal of flames, the ground begins to shake, and the middle of the warehouse starts to erode and split open as sounds of multiple Guardians' voices fill the warehouse.